Alex Jones Attacks STRATFOR As Infowars Goes Into Damage Control

Posted: March 4, 2012 in Breaking News

Alex Jones states the following in respect to STRATFOR:

“Isn’t STRATFOR really just a megaphone to put out Pentagon propaganda so they can act like, look private intelligence groups are saying this, because STRATFOR is based here in Austin, and they even had a local radio show on 590, a piece they would do, and I would listen, and it just sounded like propaganda, not real intelligence…All STRATFOR was doing was reporting on what was already in the news, and now the medias like, it’s a private intelligence group, it’s like God said it, because it was in an email, and you read it, it’s just a bunch of garbilee-gook…

…I’ve been out of town for a week and a half and he just told me I was mentioned in a STRATFOR email…Because I saw some YouTube comments going, Jones, they’re call you a kook at STRATFOR, and I just didn’t believe that…Oh wow, so [STRATFOR] called me a crazy…You know what, I’m going to challenge Dr. Friedman, because I’ve asked him on like 20 times over the years, literally, I’ve asked him over and over…

… They put out fake intelligence to argue that the other intelligence is wrong so you believe the general story…But the main story is true…”

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