OPERATION AMERICAN SECESSION: CIA PLOTTING OCTOBER 25, 2022, SECESSION OF ONE OR MORE US STATES (E.G., ARIZONA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, MICHIGAN, TEXAS, ETC.) FROM UNION AS PRETEXT (POSSIBLY FORMER PRESIDENT TRUMP-LED) FOR: A) CRASH OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (NYSE); B) CRASH OF US DOLLAR; C) UNPRECEDENTED DEFLATIONARY AND/OR HYPER-INFLATIONARY EVENT TARGETING US DOLLAR (LIKELY IN AFTERMATH OF PREMEDITATED SHORTING OF US DOLLAR); AND/OR D) CHINESE, IRANIAN AND/OR RUSSIAN ATTACK AND/OR INVASION OF AMERICA AS PRETEXT FOR WORLD WAR III (OCTOBER 24, 2022): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Geneva, Switzerland Plotting Secession of US State(s) from Union on October 25, 2022, Exactly 208-Days After Russian President Vladimir Putin Officially Recognized the Donetsk & Luhansk as Independent States from Ukraine Back on February 21, 2022, Exactly 213-Days After CIA Staged Secession of Two Pro-Russian States (i.e., Donetsk & Luhansk) from Ukraine Back on February 15, 2022, Exactly 1,566-Days After Pre-American Secession Propaganda Television Series Entitled ‘Succession’ Premiered on HBO Back on June 3, 2018, Exactly 59,004-Days After the Arizona Territory First Seceded from the Union Back on March 3, 1861, Exactly 59,032-Days After Texas First Seceded from the Union Back on February 1, 1861, & Exactly 59,042-Days After Georgia First Seceded from the Union Back on January 22, 1861, & Exactly 59,054-Days After Florida First Seceded from the Union Back on January 10, 1861, & Exactly 67,804-Days After Michigan was Admitted to the Union Back on January 26, 1837

Posted: October 24, 2022 in Breaking News

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