OPERATION GONE POSTAL: CIA PLOTTING OCTOBER 25, 2022, FALSE-FLAG MENTAL ILLNESS PATSY-BASED MASS SHOOTING ATTACK IN AMERICA AS PRETEX FOR DRACONIAN GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION DESIGNED TO TRIGGER SECOND CIVIL WAR OVER RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS (OCTOBER 24, 2022): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting False-Flag Mental Illness-Based Mass Shooting Attack in America on October 25, 2022, Exactly 1,776-Days After CIA Staged False-Flag Mental Illness-Based Mass Shooting Attack Targeting First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas Back on November 5, 2017, Exactly 3,566-Days After CIA Staged False-Flag Mental Illness-Based Mass Shooting Attack Targeting Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre Back on December 14, 2012, Exactly 3,714-Days After CIA Staged False-Flag Mental Illness-Based Mass Shooting Attack Targeting Movie Theater Screening ‘Batman’ Film in Aurora, Colorado Back on July 20, 2012, Exactly 3,744-Days After President Barack Obama Asserted Executive Privilege in Respect to ‘Operation Fast & Furious’ (i.e., the Official Name of the Department of Justice’s Top-Secret Program Tasked with Staging Endless Wave of Mass Shooting Attacks in America as Pretext for Revocation of Second Amendment Designed to Trigger Second American Civil War) Back on June 20, 2012, Exactly 4,707-Days After ‘Operation Fast & Furious’ (i.e., the Official Name of the Department of Justice’s Top-Secret Program Tasked with Staging Endless Wave of Mass Shooting Attacks in America as Pretext for Revocation of Second Amendment Designed to Trigger Second American Civil War) Officially Commenced Back on October 31, 2009, & Exactly 5,636-Days After CIA Staged False-Flag Mental Illness-Based Mass Shooting Attack Targeting Virginia Tech University in Blacksburg, Virginia Back on April 16, 2007

Posted: October 24, 2022 in Breaking News

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