OPERATION JANE’S REVENGE: CIA PLOTTING OCTOBER 25, 2022, MASS SHOOTING ATTACK(S) TARGETING ABORTION PROTESTERS AS PRETEX FOR DRACONIAN GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION DESIGNED TO TRIGGER SECOND AMERICAN CIVIL WAR OVER RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS (OCTOBER 24, 2022): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting False-Flag Race War Mass Shooting Attack Targeting Abortion Protesters in America on October 25, 2022, Exactly 88-Days After Roe v. Wade was Reversed by the United States Supreme Court Specifically to Trigger Abortion Protests Back on June 24, 2022, Exactly 129-Days After CIA Staged Race War Mass Shooting Attack Targeting African-Americans Shopping at Tops Supermarket in Buffalo, New York Back on May 14, 2022, Exactly 756-Days After Pro-Trump Vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse Allegedly Shot & Killed Two Black Lives Matter Protesters with AR-15 Assault Rifle in Kenosha, Wisconsin (Which was Designed to Foreshadow Mass Shooting Attacks Targeting African-Americans at Later Date) Back on August 25, 2020, & Exactly 2,489-Days After CIA Staged Mass Shooting Attack Targeting Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado Back on November 27, 2015

Posted: October 24, 2022 in Breaking News

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