OPERATION WALTER REED: T-MINUS THE HOSPITALIZATION OF PRESIDENT BIDEN: CIA PLOTTING MAY 27, 2024, HOSPITALIZATION EVENT TARGETING JOSEPH R. BIDEN FOR YET-TO-BE DETERMINED REASONS (POSSIBLY UNDER GUISE OF RESPITORY INFECTION) AS PRETEXT FOR HIS IMMEDIATE OR IMMINENT COMA, DEATH, HOSPICE CARE, POTUS POWER TRANSFER TO VICE PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS AND/OR RESIGNATION (POSSIBLY TRIGGERING REPUBLICAN SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE PATRICK MCHENRYCALLED INVOCATION OF 25TH AMMENDMENT VOTE), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) AMPUTATION AND/OR LIMB LOSS; B) BONE BREAK; C) BRAIN ANEURYSM; D) TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY AND/OR PERMANENT BRAIN DAMAGE; E) BLOOD CLOT; F) BLOOD VESSEL BURST; G) CANCER;H) CARDIAC ARREST AND/OR HEART ATTACK; I) CHROINIC LARYNGITIS; J) COLLAPSE; K) COMA; L) CONCUSSION AND/OR LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS; M) DEATH; N) DISFIGUREMENT; O) HOSPICE CARE; P) HOSPITALIZATION; Q) INCAPACITATION; R) INTERNAL BLEEDING; S) NERVE DAMAGE; T) PARALYZATION; U) LACERATION AND/OR PUNCTURE WOUND; V) SIEZURE; W) SPINAL CORD INJURY; X) STERALIZATION; Y) STROKE; AND/OR Z) SURGERY (MAY 27, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Hospitalization Event Targeting Joseph R. Biden on May 27, 2024, Exactly 3-Days After CIA Staged Hospitalization of Actor Kevin Spacey (i.e., US President in the Television Show Entitled ‘West Wing’) Back on October 2, 2023, Exactly 163-Days After US President Joseph R. Biden Officially Announced that He Will Run for President Again in 2024 Back on April 25, 2023, Exactly 229-Days After Former US President Jimmy Carter Entered Hospice Care Back on February 18, 2023, Exactly 685-Days After US Presidential Power was Ominously Transferred to Kamala Harris While President Biden Underwent Colonoscopy at Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland Back on November 19, 2021, Exactly 721-Days After Former President Bill Clinton was Hospitalized Under Guise of Unknown Infection Back on October 14, 2021, Exactly 988-Days After Joseph R. Biden Became the Oldest Sitting President in the History of the United States Back on January 20, 2021, Exactly 5,920-Days After the 25th Amendment was Invoked the for Third Time When US President George W. Bush Underwent Colonoscopy Back on July 21, 2007, Exactly 7,769-Days After the 25th Amendment was Invoked for the Second Time When US President George W. Bush Underwent Colonoscopy Back on June 28, 2002, Exactly 13,963-Days After the 25th Amendment was Invoked for the First Time When US President Ronald Reagan Underwent Colon Cancer Surgery Back on July 13, 1985, Exactly 17,954-Days After US President Richard M. Nixon Resigned Under Guise of Watergate Scandal Back on August 9, 1974, Exactly 20,678-Days After the 25th Amendment was Signed into Law by US President Lyndon B. Johnson Back on February 23, 1967, & Exactly 29,539-Days After Joseph R. Biden was Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania Back on November 20, 1942

Posted: May 22, 2024 in Breaking News

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