OPERATION DEATH STAR: CIA PLOTTING JUNE 16, 2024, BLOOD SACRIFICES OFFERED UP TO ESOTERIC 16-POINT CIA STAR VIA HER SWISS ARMY KNIFE-LIKE ARRAY OF ARMIES, ASSASSINS, ISLAMIC TERRORISTS, MILITIAS & SPECIAL FORCES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) ARSON ATTACKS; B) ASSASSINATIONS; C) BIOLOGICAL ATTACK/OUTBREAK; D) BOMBINGS; E) CELEBRITY DEATH EVENTS; F) CHEMICAL ATTACKS; G) CIVILIAN MASSACRES; H) COUP D’ÉTATS; I) CYBER-ATTACKS; J) EARTHQUAKES AND/OR TSUNAMIS; K) CHINESE, IRANIAN AND/OR RUSSIAN ATTACK AND/OR INVASION; L) KIDNAPPINGS AND/OR HOSTAGE CRISIS; M) MASS SHOOTINGS; N) MASS STABBINGS; O) MISSILE STRIKES; P) NOVEL AIRBORNE VIRUS ATTACK/OUTBREAK; Q) NUCLEAR ATTACKS; R) NUCLEAR REACTOR ATTACKS/MELTDOWNS; S) RACE WAR ATTACKS (E.G., DRAGGINGS, LYNCHINGS, PYROCIDE, ETC.); T) PLANE CRASHES & SHIP SINKINGS; U) STAMPEDES; V) SUICIDE BOMBINGS; W) TORNADOS; X) VEHICULAR RAMMING ATTACKS; Y) VEHICLE-BORNE IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE (VBIED) ATTACKS; AND/OR Z) WEAPONIZED CONTAGION ATTACK (E.G., ANTHRAX, EBOLA, RICIN, SMALLPOX, ETC.) (JUNE 15, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Blood Sacrifices Offered Up 16-Point CIA Death Star on June 16, 2024, Exactly 74-Days After Alain Berset Became President of Switzerland Back on January 1, 2023, Exactly 2,006-Days After Whistle-Blower Journalist David Chase Taylor Published, ‘Babylon Falling: CERN Identified as Secret Entrance to Subterranean CIA Headquarters Beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland’, Back on September 17, 2017, Exactly 2,127-Days After Whistle-Blower Journalist David Chase Taylor Published, ’10 Reasons Why Switzerland is the Secret Home of the Nazis’, Back on May 19, 2017, Exactly 2,272-Days After Whistle-Blower Journalist David Chase Taylor Published, ’10 Reasons Why Switzerland was the First Jewish State’, Back on December 25, 2016, Exactly 2,408-Days After CIA Executed Ritualistic Blood Sacrifice Offered Up to Hindu-Jewish God of Shiva (i.e., ‘The Destroyer’) Statue at CERN (i.e., CIA Headquarters) in Geneva, Switzerland Back on August 11, 2016, Exactly 6,845-Days After Bronze Statue of Hindu-Jewish God of Shiva (i.e., ‘The Destroyer’) was Erected at CERN (i.e., CIA Headquarters) in Geneva, Switzerland Back on June 18, 2004, Exactly 25,009-Days After CERN (Secret Entrance to CIA Headquarters) was Purportedly Founded in Geneva, Switzerland Back on September 29, 1954, Exactly 29,833-Days After ‘The Office of the Coordinator of Information’ (i.e., the Predecessor to the ‘Office of Strategic Services’ & Subsequent ‘Central Intelligence Agency’) was Founded Back on July 11, 1941, Exactly 54,387-Days After Referendum of Swiss Federal Constitution was Passed (Thereby Creating Modern Switzerland) Back on April 19, 1874, Exactly 63,737-Days After Swiss Federal Constitution was Enacted (Thereby Creating the Swiss Army) Back on September 12, 1848, & Exactly 260,637-Days After Switzerland (Confederation Helvetica) was Founded Back on August 1, 1309

Posted: June 15, 2024 in Breaking News

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