OPERATION Q-TIP: T-MINUS THE QANON COUP D’ÉTAT: CIA PLOTTING JUNE 20, 2024, MADE-FOR-TV QANON-BASED 9/11-STYLE AIRPLANE, DRONE AND/OR HELICOPTER ATTACKS, ARSON ATTACKS, BIOLOGICAL ATTACKS, BIOLOGICAL OUTBREAKS, BOMBINGS, CHEMICAL ATTACKS, CIVILIAN MASSACRES, DIRTY BOMB ATTACKS, GAS ATTACKS, HOSTAGE CRISIS, KIDNAPPINGS, MASS SHOOTINGS, MASS STABBINGS, NUCLEAR ATTACKS, OCCUPATIONS, POLITICAL ASSASSINATIONS, RACE WAR ATTACKS, RADIOLOGICAL ATTACKS, RAMMING ATTACKS, SHOOTOUTS, SIEGES, SNIPER ATTACKS, STANDOFFS, STORMINGS, SUICIDE BOMBINGS, SUICIDE ATTACKS, VEHICLE-BORNE IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE (VBIED) ATTACKS (E.G., CAR BOMBINGS, RV BOMBINGS, TRUCK BOMBINGS, VAN BOMBINGS, ECT.) AND/OR WEAPONIZED CONTAGION ATTACKS (E.G., ANTHRAX, EBOLA, RICIN, SMALLPOX, ETC.) TARGETING US PRESIDENT JOSEPH R. BIDEN, THE US CAPITOL BUILDING IN WASHINGTON, DC AND/OR US STATE CAPITOL BUILDINGS SPECIFICALLY TO: A) SABOTAGE ‘TRUMP 2024’ PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIN; B) SPAWN SECOND GLOBAL BIOLOGICAL PANDEMIC; AND/OR C) TRIGGERS SECOND AMERICAN CIVIL WAR, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) ARIZONA; B) CALIFORNIA; C) COLORADO; D) FLORIDA; E) GEORGIA; F) IDAHO; G) INDIANA: H) KENTUCKY; I) MICHIGAN; J) MISSOURI; K) MONTANA; L) NEVADA; M) NEW MEXICO; N) NORTH CAROLINA; O) OHIO; P) OKLAHOMA; Q) OREGON; R) SOUTH CAROLINA; S) TENNESSEE; T) TEXAS; U) UTAH; V) VIRGINIA; W) WASHINGTON; X) WEST VIRGINIA; Y) WISCONSIN; AND/OR Z) WYOMING (JUNE 19, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Made-for-TV Qanon-Based Terror Events Targeting US President Joseph R. Biden, US Capitol Building in Washington, DC and/or US State Capitol Buildings on June 20, 2024, Exactly 561-Days After CIA Staged Coup D’état Exercise Entitled ‘Operation Breaking Dawn’ Which Featured the Deployment of 25,000 Israeli Defence Forces Slated to Invade and Occupy the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC and/or US State Capitol Buildings Across the United States Under Guise of a Qanon-Led Siege Back on August 5, 2022, Exactly 1,123-Days After Joseph R. Biden Became President of the United States Back on January 20, 2021, Exactly 1,137-Days After CIA Staged Qanon-Based Storming Attack Targeting the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Qanon Attack) Back on January 6, 2021, Exactly 1,153-Days After CIA Staged Militia-Based Storming Attack Targeting the Oregon State Capitol Building in Salem, Oregon (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Qanon Attack) Back on December 21, 2020, Exactly 1,228-Days After FBI Staged Arrest of (13) Militia Members (i.e., Patsies) for Plot to Kidnap Democratic Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Lansing, Michigan Back on October 7, 2020, Exactly 1,237-Days After Qanon Operative Alexander Hillel Treisman was Indicted by Grand Jury for Alleged Plot to Assassinate then Democratic Presidential Nominee Joseph R. Biden Back on September 28, 2020, Exactly 1,271-Days After CIA Staged Militia-Based Storming Attack Targeting the Idaho State Capitol Building in Boise, Idaho (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Qanon Attack) Back on August 25, 2020, Exactly 1,388-Days After Qanon Operative Jessica Prim was Arrested in New York City for Allegedly Carrying (18) Knives While En Route to ‘Take Out’ then Democratic Presidential Nominee Joseph R. Biden Back on April 30, 2020, Exactly 1,388-Days After CIA Staged Militia-Based Storming Attack Targeting the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing, Michigan (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Qanon Attack) Back on April 30, 2020, Exactly 1,724-Days After a So-Called ‘Intelligence Bulletin’ Memo Originating from an FBI Field Office in Phoenix, Arizona Identified QAnon Extremists as a Domestic Terrorism Threat (Which was Specifically Designed to Grant the FBI Plausible Deniability in Aftermath of Impending Qanon Attack) Back on May 30, 2019, Exactly 2,303-Days After the CIA Spawned Qanon Under via the Handle ‘Q Clearance Patriot’ After Posting in an Online Thread Entitled ‘Calm Before the Storm’ Back on October 28, 2017, Exactly 2,928-Days After CIA Staged Bundy Militia-Led Siege and Subsequent Occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon Back on January 2, 2016, Through February 11, 2016, Exactly 3,605-Days After CIA Staged Ongoing Bundy Militia-Led Standoff with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Outside of Las Vegas, Nevada Starting Back on April 5, 2014, Exactly 5,074-Days After CIA Staged FBI Arrest of (9) Hutaree Militia Members (Led by FBI Informant Hal Turner) in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio for Alleged Plot to and Kill Police Officers and Civilians via Explosives and Firearms Back on March 28, 2010, Exactly 10,531-Days After CIA Staged Militia-Based Truck Bombing Attack Targeting the Murrow US Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Back on April 19, 1995, Exactly 11,261-Days After CIA Staged Waco Siege and Subsequent FBI Massacre in Waco, Texas Back on February 28, 1993, Through April 19, 1993, Exactly 11,492-Days After CIA Staged Ruby Ridge Siege and Subsequent FBI-Militia Shootout in Boundary County, Idaho Back on August 21-31, 1992

Posted: June 19, 2024 in Breaking News

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