OPERATION DALLAS FED: CIA PLOTTING JUNE 26, 2024, MADE-FOR-TV AMERICAN DOMESTIC VIOLENT EXTREMIST (E.G., ALEX JONES, ANTI-SEMITE, CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST, BUNDY MILITIA, NEO-NAZI, KU KLUX KLAN, OATH KEEPERS, PATRIOT FRONT, PROUD BOYS, QANON, STORM FRONT, THE BASE, WHITE SUPREMECIST, ETC.)-BASED BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL, DIRTY BOMB, NOVEL AIRBORNE VIRUS, NUCLEAR, RADIOLOGICAL AND/OR WEAPONIZED CONTAGION (E.G., ANTHRAX, EBOLA, RICIN, SMALLPOX, ETC.)-RELATED, BOMBING ATTACK TARGETING THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK BRANCH IN DALLAS, TEXAS (POSSIBLY FEATURING PROLONGED HOSTAGE CRISIS AND/OR SIEGE PRIOR TO 9/11-STYLE ATTACK AND/OR VEHICLE-BORNE IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE (VBIED) BOMBING ATTACK) SPECIFICALLY TO: A) SABOTAGE ‘TRUMP 2024’ PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN; B) CRASH US DOLLAR; C) INDUCE GLOBAL STOCK MARKET SELL-OFF; D) SPURN BANK RUNS; E) TRIGGER ECONOMIC COLLAPSE; F) SPAWN SECOND GLOBAL BIOLOGICAL PANDEMIC; AND/OR G) SPARK SECOND AMERICAN CIVIL WAR (JUNE 25, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Made-for-TV Qanon-Based Terror Events Targeting the Federal Reserve Bank Branch in Dallas, Texas on June 26, 2024, Exactly 441-Days After CIA Staged Disappearance of 61,000-Lbs of Ammonium Nitrate While Aboard a Freight Train from Wyoming to California (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on April 12, 2023, Exactly 443-Days After CIA Staged Mass Shooting Attack Targeting ‘Old National Bank’ in Louisville, Kentucky Back on April 10, 2023, Exactly 1,253-Days After Donald J. Trump Became the Former President of the United States Back on January 20, 2021, Exactly 1,854-Days After a So-Called ‘Intelligence Bulletin’ Memo Originating from the FBI Field Office in Phoenix, Arizona Identified Qanon Extremists as a Domestic Terrorism Threat (Which was Specifically Designed to Grant the FBI Plausible Deniability in Aftermath of Impending Qanon-Based Terror Events) Back on May 30, 2019, Exactly 1,981-Days After CIA Staged Prolonged Kidnapping and Hostage Crisis Targeting ‘SunTrust Bank’ in Sebring, Florida Back on January 23, 2019, Exactly 2,433-Days After the CIA Spawned Qanon Under via the Handle ‘Q Clearance Patriot’ After Posting in an Online Thread Entitled ‘Calm Before the Storm’ Back on October 28, 2017, Exactly 2,604-Days After the Anti-Defamation League Published Report Entitled, ‘Jewish ‘Control’ of the Federal Reserve: A Classic Antisemitic Myth’ (Which was Specifically Designed to Provide Timely Motive for Anti-Semitic Revenge Attack Targeting the Federal Reserve at Later Date), Back on January 30, 2017, Exactly 4,615-Days After CIA Staged Alex Jones-Led Storming of the ‘Federal Reserve Bank’ Building in Dallas, Texas Back on November 7, 2011, Exactly 12,064-Days After CIA Staged Mass Shooting Attack Targeting ‘United Bank Tower’ (i.e., the ‘Wells Fargo Bank’ Building) in Denver, Colorado Back on June 16, 1991, Exactly 15,542-Days After CIA Staged Bombing, Hostage Crisis, Kidnapping, Shooting and Stabbing Plot Targeting ‘Federal Reserve Bank’ Headquarters in Washington, DC Back on December 7, 1981, Exactly 37,766-Days After the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Helena Branch Officially Opened in Helena, Montana Back on February 1, 1921, Exactly 37,904-Days After CIA Staged Bombing Attack Targeting ‘Wall Street’ in New York City Back on September 16, 1920, & Exactly 40,353-Days After the Federal Reserve System was Founded in Washington, DC Back on December 23, 1913

Posted: June 25, 2024 in Breaking News

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