OPERATION AMERICAN SECESSION: CIA PLOTTING JUNE 30, 2024, SECESSION OF ONE OR MORE US STATES (E.G., ARIZONA, FLORIDA, GEORGIA, MICHIGAN, TEXAS, ETC.) FROM UNION AS PRETEXT (POSSIBLY FORMER PRESIDENT TRUMP-LED) FOR: A) CRASH OF NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (NYSE); B) CRASH OF US DOLLAR; C) UNPRECEDENTED DEFLATIONARY AND/OR HYPER-INFLATIONARY EVENT TARGETING US DOLLAR (LIKELY IN AFTERMATH OF PREMEDITATED SHORTING OF US DOLLAR); AND/OR D) CHINESE, IRANIAN AND/OR RUSSIAN ATTACK AND/OR INVASION OF AMERICA AS PRETEXT FOR WORLD WAR III (JUNE 29, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Geneva, Switzerland Plotting Secession of One or More States from the Union of the United States on June 30, 2024, Exactly 520-Days After Russian President Vladimir Putin Officially Recognized Donetsk and Luhansk as Independent States Which Seceded from Ukraine Back on February 21, 2022, Exactly 526-Days After CIA Staged Secession of Two Pro-Russian States (i.e., Donetsk and Luhansk) from Ukraine Back on February 15, 2022, Exactly 1,879-Days After Pre-Secession Propaganda Television Series Entitled ‘Succession’ Premiered on HBO Back on June 3, 2018, Exactly 3,109-Days After Greg Abbott Became Governor of Texas Back on January 20, 2015, Exactly 59,314-Days After the Arizona Territory First Seceded from the Union Back on March 3, 1861, Exactly 59,344-Days After Texas First Seceded from the Union Back on February 1, 1861, Exactly 59,354-Days After Georgia First Seceded from the Union Back on January 22, 1861, & Exactly 59,366-Days After Florida First Seceded from the Union Back on January 10, 1861

Posted: June 29, 2024 in Breaking News

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