OPERATION TRUMP MD: CIA PLOTTING JUNE 29, 2024, MADE-FOR-TV MEDICAL-RELATED EVENT TARGETING PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP SURROUNDING SLATED APPEARANCE IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA SPECIFICALLY TO SABOTAGE ‘TRUMP 2024’ PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN (LIKELY COURTESY OF DIRECT ENERGY WEAPON (DEW)-RELATED ATTACK EXECUTED UNDER GUISE OF STRESS-INDUCED MEDICAL CONDITION WHICH RESULTS IN COMA, DEATH, HOSPICE CARE, HOSPITALIZATION, INCAPACITATION, PARALYZATION AND/OR SURGERY), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) BLOOD CLOT; B) BRAIN ANEURYSM; C) CANCER (LIKELY UNDER GUISE OF PREVIOULSY UNDIAGOSED CANCER DIAGNOSOIS); D) CARDIAC ARREST (I.E., MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION); E) CEREBRAL HEMORRAGE; F) CHEST PAIN; G) COMBINDED DRUG INTOXICATION (CDI); H) DIABETIC SHOCK; I) DIZZINESS AND/OR HALLUCINATIONS; J) FEVER, NAUSEA AND/OR VOMITING; K) HEADACHES (E.G., MIGRAINES); L) HEART ARRHYTHMIA; M) INTERNAL BLEEDING; N) LOSS OF CONSCIOUSNESS; O) KIDNEY FAILURE; P) MYSTERY ILLNESS; Q) PNEUMONIA; R) PREVIOULSY UNDIAGOSED MEDICAL CONDITION; R) RESPIRATORY INFECTION AND/OR FAILURE; S) SEIZURE; T) SEPTICAEMIA (I.E., BLOOD POISONING); U) SLIP & FALL (LIKELY RESULTING IN CONCUSSION, BONE BREAK, DEATH, ETC.); V) STROKE; W) SYNCOPE (COLLAPSING, FAINTING, ETC.); AND/OR X) VIRAL INFECTION (JUNE 29, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Made-for-TV Medical-Related Event Targeting Donald J. Trump on June 29, 2024, Exactly 29-Days After So-Called Hush Money Trial in Respect to Porn Actress Stormy Daniels Officially Commenced in Manhattan, New York City Back on April 15, 2024, Exactly 194-Days Prior to the 2024 Presidential Election on November 5, 2024, Exactly 451-Days After Former US President Jimmy Carter Entered Hospice Care Back on February 18, 2023, Exactly 546-Days After Donald J. Trump Officially Declared His Candidacy for the 2024 US Presidential Election Back on November 15, 2022, Exactly 943-Days After Former US President Bill Clinton was Hospitalized Under Guise of Unknown Infection Back on October 14, 2021, Exactly 1,210-Days After Donald J. Trump Became the Former President of the United States Back on January 20, 2021, Exactly 1,222-Days After Republican Congressman Jason Villalba of Texas Stated that Trump was a ‘Cancer’ on the Republican Party Back on January 8, 2021, Exactly 2,294-Days After CNN Published Report Entitled ‘President Trump has Common Form of Heart Disease’, Back on February 1, 2018, Exactly 17,773-Days After CIA’s Top-Secret Heart Attack Gun was Revealed by Senator Frank Church During a Congressional Hearing in Washington, DC Back on September 16, 1975, & Exactly 28,459-Days After Donald J. Trump was Born in Queens, New York Back on June 14, 1946

Posted: June 29, 2024 in Breaking News

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