Foiled Attacks

David Chase Taylor Swiss Asylum

Foiled Attacks
Because I, David Chase Taylor, officially applied for political asylum in Switzerland on July 17, 2015, the state-sponsored terror plots and so-called “natural disasters” I expose rarely come to fruition. In short, the Swiss CIA does not want to afford me any more credibility or publicity than they have to, lest they turn me into a modern-day prophet. They also do not want to provide yet another open-and-shut case as to why I deserve political asylum. That being said, time is running out for the CIA which has now been exposed for the first time in history. Consequently, they are getting more and more desperate and are now executing attacks in the hours and days after has issued its respective Terror alerts.


1. DEC 11, 2013: Comet ISON Declared Dead: Alert: 1 Day Prior
2. OCT 28, 2014: Antares Rocket Launch Explosion: Alert: 1 Day Prior
3. NOV 20, 2014:
Florida State University Shooting: Alert: 2 Days Prior 
4. JUN 19, 2015:
Golden State Warriors Victory Parade Shooting: Hours Prior
5. OCT 1, 2015: 
Umpqua Community College Shooting: Alert: 7 Days Prior
6. NOV 27, 2015: Planned Parenthood Shooting: Alert: 1 Day Prior
7. NOV 13, 2015:
Paris Terror Attacks: Alert: 4 Days Prior 
8. DEC 5, 2015:
London Undergroud Jihad Attack: Alert: 9 Days Prior 
9. DEC 25, 2015:
The Philippines Terror Attack: Alert: 1 Day Prior
10. JAN 2, 2016: Bundy Siege of Oregon Wildlife Refuge: Alert: Hours Prior
11. JAN 15, 2016: Splendid Hotel Attack in Burkina Faso: Alert: Hours Prior
12. JAN 30, 2016:
Neo-Nazi Attack on Refugees in Sweden: Alert: 2 Days Prior
13. FEB 6, 2016: Man-Made Earthquake in Taiwan: Alert: Hours Prior
14. FEB 15, 2016:
Russian Hospital Attack in Syria: Alert: Hours Prior
15. FEB 17, 2016: Turkish Terror Attack in Ankara: Alert: Hours Prior
16. FEB 26, 2016: Somalia Hotel Terror Attack: Alert: 3 Days Prior
17. MAR 22, 2016: Brussels Terror Attacks: Alert: 6 Days Prior
18. APR 8: Lackland Air Force Base Shooting: Alert: 3 Days Prior
19. MAY 10, 2016: Mall Stabbing Attack in Massachusetts: Alert: 2 Days Prior
20. MAY 12, 2016:  Shell Oil Spill in Gulf: Alert: 1 Day Prior
21. JUN 12, 2016: Orlando LGBT Terror Attack: Terror Alert: 5 Days Prior
22. JUN 28 2016: Istanbul Airport Terror Attack: Terror Alert: 5 Days Prior

[Does not purport to be complete list of timely terror alerts]


About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of, a state-sponsored terror whistle-blower website. Taylor currently lives in Switzerland where he applied for political asylum on July 17, 2015. Taylor authored The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011, and Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is coincidentally home to the CIA. Taylor has also published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the Terrorgate Scandal, the 2014 Memorial Day Massacre, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing was a hoax.

READ: World’s ‘Most Wanted’ Whistle-Blower Journalist David Chase Taylor Applies for Political Asylum in Switzerland Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste