September 2014 Cyber-Terror Warning: CIA Cyber-Attack on U.S. Economy Imminent

Posted: September 19, 2014 in Anonymous Terror, Bank Terror, Bitcoin Terror, Breaking News, Cyber-Terror, Federal Reserve Terror, Financial Terror, New York City Terror, NYSE Terror, Stock Market Terror, Terror Alerts

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David Chase Taylor
September 19, 2014

SWITZERLAND, Basel — Based on breaking news and events, it appears that the Obama administration (at the behest of the CIA) will attempt to execute a debilitating financial-related cyber-terror attack on the U.S. economy just as U.S. stocks have hit a new record high. The attack will most likely target the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and/or the Federal Reserve Bank (FED).

Although an unprecedented cyber-terror attack could be blamed on China, Iran, North Korea or Syria, the state-sponsored cyber-terror group known as Anonymous and/or ISIS will likely claim responsibility for the attack. This will enable the progenitors of the attack (i.e., the CIA) to steal billions if not trillions of dollars without a trace. Should an actual sovereign country be deemed responsible, the defrauded investors would naturally demand a counter-attack, possible invasion and of course compensation.

In what appears to be pre-Wall Street cyber-attack logistics, it was revealed back on July 8, 2014, that Wall Street has now hired a former NSA chief to help create a “cyber war council”. Translation: Wall Street and the NSA are teaming up together to execute a Wall Street cyber-hijack which will likely disappear trillions of dollars, bankrupting the U.S. economy. In the wake of the attack, the NSA chief will likely be scapegoated for the attack.

Cyber-Attacks Trending
Aside from the 5 million Gmail usernames and passwords which were allegedly stolen on September 10, 2014, members from Anonymous and an Occupy Wall Street group reportedly abolishes nearly $4 million in student loan debt on September 17, 2014, foreshadowing the notion of Anonymous vanishing millions into thin air. That same day, September 17, 2014, the biggest ever cyber-attack on Russia Today’s website allegedly took place. Less than 24-hours later on September 18, 2014, it was reported that the Home Depot hack exposed 56M cards to financial risk, further highlighting financial-related hacks. Lastly, on September 18, 2014, it was also reported that the Chinese hacked U.S. military contractors and a Senate panel. Needless to say, cyber-related news and attacks are trending which suggests that a state-sponsored cyber-attack is imminent.

Financial Cyber-Attacks Trending
A preview of financial related cyber-terror recently occurred on July 10, 2014, when it was reported that Norwegian banks suffered the largest-ever DDoS attack in their history, an act which the state-sponsored terror group known as Anonymous predictably took credit for. Because all 206 countries are under the command and control of the CIA, events tend to happen in other countries before transpire in America on a much larger scale. Roughly 2-weeks later on July 25, 2014, the European Central Bank was allegedly hacked and personal data stolen. Roughly a month later on August 27, 2014, it was revealed that the FBI is now investigating a cyber-attack on JPMorgan. Needless to say, these timely cyber-attacks have set the precedent for future bank-related cyber-attacks, one which will likely target the NYSE or the FED.

Financial Crash Propaganda

In what appears to be more pre-stock market crash programming, it was revealed on July 13, 2014, that the BIS (Bank for International Settlements) in Basel, Switzerland has stated that the world economy is just as vulnerable to a financial crisis as it was in 2007. Needless to say, a cyber-attack on the NYSE would have global ramifications. Ten days later on July 23, 2014, Jeremy Grantham, co-founder and chief investment strategist of GMO, a Boston-based firm with $117 billion in assets under management, warned that the Yellen Collapse “will be unlike any other”. Janet Yellen is the head of the Federal Reserve which suggests that the dollar is slated to crash in the wake of an unprecedented cyber-attack on the NYSE. Four days later on July 27, 2014, USA Today published a report entitled “Is the Fed Fueling a Giant Stock Market Bubble?”, foreshadowing the notion that the FED and/or the NYSE’s financial bubble is about to burst. Roughly a month later on September 3, 2014, CNBC published a report entitled, “Market Bears Now Scarcer than Any Time Since 1987”, highlighting the fact that the market suffered a massive financial loss back on October 19, 1987 (i.e., Black Monday). Two weeks later on September 17, 2014, Reuters published a report entitled “IMF Warns of Risks from ‘Excessive’ Financial Market Bets”, ultimately foreshadowing the notion that the financial markets are risky and vulnerable to a crash. That same day, Yahoo Finance published a report entitled “Fed and TWTR Overvaluation, Evidence of Looming Market Crash: Stockman”, further foreshadowing that a U.S. stock market crash is imminent. Needless to say, these headlines are foreshadowing that a state-sponsored cyber-terror attack is imminent.

“The Internet’s Own Boy”
In what appears to be blatant cyber-terror attack propaganda, a CIA-spawned film about the allegedly deceased Zionist operative Aaron Swartz entitled “The Internet’s Own Boy” (2014) which just debuted in theaters on June 27, 2014 (see trailer). In the aftermath of a shocking and unprecedented cyber-terror attack, hackers avenging the death of Swartz may be scapegoated for the attack. In other words, the film has provided a timey motive for a wave of revenge-based cyber-attacks, most likely by Anonymous.

NYSE Cyber-Attack
The latest New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) cyber-terror plot appears to be a redux of two previously foiled terror plots as depicted in the March 20, 2014 report entitled “Impending Wall Street Banking Cyber-Heist to Transfer Billions to Bitcoin”, and the April 15, 2014 report entitled “Feds Planning High Frequency Trading Cyber-Attack via “Heartbleed” Bug”. In short, hackers will cause a “High Frequency Trading” sell-off (which they will short-sell), the profits of which will be deposited in untraceable Bitcoin accounts. In order to provide a motive for a Bitcoin-related cyber-terror attack, the IRS declared that Bitcoin was not an official currency on March 25, 2014. Roughly 3-months later on June 13, 2014, it was revealed that the FBI will auction off seized Bitcoins worth $18m on June 27, 2014, the impending date of the attack. In order to raise the profile of banks prior to a debilitating cyber-terror attack that will likely bankrupt millions of investors, Vice President Joe Biden stated on June 23, 2014 that “I don’t have a savings account”. Two days later on June 25, 2014, the U.S. Federal Reserve warned that banks face “tougher tests” ahead, an ominous sign that a so-called “test” (i.e., attack) is imminent. Although impossible to prove, it appears that Bitcoin was specifically created to be an untraceable depository for stolen funds from a Wall Street cyber-attack. In other words, the hackers play the role of Robin Hood by stealing from the rich (i.e., Wall Street) and giving to the poor (i.e., Bitcoin)—the only catch being that Robin Hood is invisible

Anonymous Stock Market Warning
In what appears to be a pre-Anonymous cyber-attack terror warning, Fox Business published a report on February 6, 2014, entitled “Hackers Set Sights on Market Mayhem” which curiously featured a photo of the Guy Fawkes-Anonymous mask. Among other things, the report stated that “today’s cyber evildoers also want to mess with investors”, citing a report from the cyber-security firm Prolexic which warned that “hackers are deploying distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks in an attempt to manipulate stock prices or even cause market mayhem”. The report speculated that “a cartel of cyber criminals or even an individual hacker could capitalize on a selloff in a hacking target’s share price by placing bearish bets, called short positions”. In other words, billions could be lost due to the actions of one person, most likely a teenager.

“Quantum Dawn II″ Terror Drill
Prior to a major cyber-terror attack on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), one would expect there to be some stock-market related terror drills to prepare Wall Street insiders for the attack. Coincidentally, on June 13th, 2013, it was reported that Wall Street executed “Quantum Dawn 2”, a cyber-terror war-game apparently meant to give insiders an opportunity to make financial moves before the market crashes—for good. According to the report, Cyber Strategies oversaw a terror exercise which included Citigroup, Bank of America, the Department of Homeland Security, the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as 40 other firms. The drill, which featured a hacker, possibly from China, operating from a fake trading platform, prompted a response in which the participants facilitated a conference call to “figure out what was going on”. In other words, the drill simulated a real-life scenario in which insider firms received the “heads up” about an impending cyber-attack and subsequently shared this information accordingly so that their bank accounts and those of their clients would not be affected. The same sort of thing occurred just prior to 9/11 when “put options” or bets were taken out on United Airlines and American Airlines, the two airline companies involved in the attacks. According to the “9/11 Commission Report”, “some unusual trading did in fact occur”, however, it claimed that, “each such trade proved to have an innocuous explanation”.

“Quantum Dawn II” Fallout
In the October 23, 2013, Fox Business report entitled “‘White Hat’ Hackers Expose Flaws of U.S. Stock Market”, the details of the “Quantum Dawn 2”  cyber-attack exercise were revealed. According to the report, ethical “white hat” hackers intentionally “looking to expose the cyber vulnerabilities of U.S. equity markets”, were able to directly impact market performance by “forcing a mock market close”. According to the report, more than 50 entities and 500 people in the financial services sector participated in the cyber-attack which was executed by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) on July 18, 2013. So called “ethical hackers” were told to give everything they had to try and cripple the U.S. stock market during the 6-hour exercise. “Quantum Dawn 2 demonstrated the industry’s resiliency when faced with serious cyber-attacks that aimed to steal money, crash systems and disrupt equity market trading,” SIFMA CEO Judd Gregg stated. According to Cedric Leighton, a former U.S. intelligence officer, “The more realistic the exercise the better prepared they’ll be if and when attacks from a cyber standpoint occur”.

FLASHBACK: “Black Friday” Cyber-Attack
In yet another example of how state-sponsored terror drills always precede real-life terror events, on November 27, 2013, published a report entitled, “Black Friday-Cyber Monday 2013 (SSTTA): NATO Executing “Largest Ever” Cyber-Terror Drill on Black Friday—Attack Imminent”. As revealed in the report, NATO was executing their largest cyber-terror drill ever and therefore the likelihood of state-sponsored cyber terror was extremely high. Predictably, it was later revealed that a major cyber-attack did in fact take place on “Black Friday” and that up to 40 million Target shoppers had their credit card information compromised. According to Brian Krebs, a journalist who specializes in computer security, the Target computer breach occurred on or around Black Friday, the busiest shopping day of the year. Evidently, the “Black Friday” cyber-attack was executed in order to set the precedent for greater acts of bank-related state-sponsored cyber-terror, namely an attack on U.S. stock markets and banks.

FLASHBACK: Googleplex Attack

Back on June 26, 2014, published a report entitled “CIA Likely Planning “Anonymous” Cyber-Terror Attacks on June 27-28, 2014” which listed Google’s corporate headquarters (i.e., Googleplex) in Mountain View, California as one of three primary targets. Low and behold, less than 24-hours later on June 27, 2014, it was reported that 4 people were found dead in Turlock, California home, less than 100 miles away from Googleplex in Mountain View. Evidently, once the cyber-terror attack was exposed, the would-be terrorists (i.e., Special Forces, Blackwater, Mossad, etc.) where subsequently executed.

About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Taylor currently lives in Basel, Switzerland where he has applied for political asylum after the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2014. To date, David Chase Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2014, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR. Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a false-flag terror plot is exposed (e.g., 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot), it is immediately canceled or postponed (e.g., 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, as well as mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste


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