NATIONAL BUNDY RANCH MILITIA TERROR ALERT (JAN 21, 2016): Obama Plotting Domestic Terror Attacks on Casinos, Hotels & Government-Related Entities by Special Forces Posing as Bundy Ranch Militia Members and/or Oath Keepers—Waco-Like Siege of Bundy Ranch Outside Las Vegas and/or Hammond Ranch Outside of Burns, Oregon Expected

Posted: January 21, 2016 in Breaking News


AUTHOR’S NOTE: Because I, David Chase Taylor, officially applied for political asylum in Switzerland on July 17, 2015, the state-sponsored terror plots and so-called “natural disasters” I expose rarely come to fruition. In short, theSwiss CIA does not want to afford me any more credibility or publicity than they have to, lest they turn me into a modern-day prophet. They also do not want to provide yet another open-and-shut case as to why I deserve political asylum. For those wondering why I would apply for political asylum in Switzerland, know this: a) I originally applied for asylum in Switzerland on March 8, 2011, roughly 2-years before I discovered that Switzerland was harboring the CIA; and b) the CIA has historically not shat where it eats in Switzerland. That being said, the CIA has now beenexposed for the first time in history and may try and assassinate me Switzerland, especially since I have decifered the code (i.e., the Davinci Code) which is used by Greenland to plot terror attacks in the underworld via the CIA, hence the long list of foiled terror attacks and timely terror alerts.


1. DEC 11, 2013: Comet ISON Declared Dead: Alert: 1 Day Prior
2. JAN 13, 2014: Wesley Chapel Theater Shooting: Alert: 38 Days Prior
3. MAY 23, 2014: Santa Barbara Massacre: Alert: 26 Days Prior
4. OCT 28, 2014: 
Antares Rocket Launch Explosion: Alert: 1 Day Prior
5. NOV 20, 2014:
Florida State University Shooting: Alert: 2 Days Prior 
6. JUN 19, 2015:
Golden State Warriors Victory Parade Shooting: Same Day
7. OCT 1, 2015: 
Umpqua Community College Shooting: Alert: 7 Days Prior
8. NOV 27, 2015: Planned Parenthood Shooting: Alert: 1 Day Prior
9. NOV 13, 2015:
Paris Terror Attacks: Alert: 4 Days Prior 
10. DEC 5, 2015:
London Undergroud Jihad Attack: Alert: 9 Days Prior 
11. DEC 25, 2015:
The Philippines Terror Attack: Alert: 1 Day Prior

[Does not purport to be complete list of timely terror alerts]

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BREAKING NEWS: CERN Is Secret Entrance to Subterranean CIA Headquarters Located Beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland

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David Chase Taylor
January 21, 2016

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Based on breaking news and events, it appears that the Obama administration (at the behest of CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva) is plotting a wave of state-sponsored militia terror in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Montana, Oregon, Utah and/or Washington.

While Obama could theoretically scapegoat any one of the many state-sponsored militias for the impending attacks (e.g., Hutaree Militia, Oath Keeper Militia, etc.), the Bundy Ranch Militia is the most likely suspect, namely due to their locations in Nevada and Oregon and the fact that they are openly at war with the U.S. government.

Consequently, the impending domestic terror attacks will predicatbly be blamed on the state-sponsored Buny Militia who is currently holding government buildings siege outside of Burns, Oregon. That being said, the feds may stage a Waco-like siege of the Bundy Ranch outside of Las Vegas, Nevada, and/or the Hammond Ranch outside of Burns, Oregon.

Although soft targets such as schools, sporting events and shopping malls could theoretically suffer false-flag domestic terror attacks, the Nevada State Capitol in Reno, Nevada and/or the Utah State Capitol is Salt Lake City, Utah are the most coveted targets.

However, now that has issued a terror warning in respect to an impending attack on aforementioned state capitols, it’s highly likely that the Arizona State Capitol and/or the New Mexico State Capitol may suffer an attack.

That being said, the Bundy Ranch Militia may execute an attack on local Nevada casinos, hotels, police stations and/or U.S. government-related entities such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and/or the United States Forest Service.

In the aftermath of a made-for-TV attack on a private or government-related entity, the domestic terrorists affiliated with the Bundy Ranch Standoff on April 5, 2014, will predictably flee to their secret domestic terrorist camp set up deep inside the desert.

The notion of a terrorist training camp within the United States was foreshadowed back on October 16, 2015, when Fox New published a propaganda report entitled “Man Who Plotted to Set Up US Terror Training Camp Sentenced”.

Coincidentally, three day prior on October 13, 2015, it was reported that in the wake of the Chattanooga Shooting, DHS wants to revive the ‘Terrorism Alert System’ which was first activated by the George W. Bush administration in the aftermath of the attacks of September 11, 2001.

In what appears to be pre-U.S. domestic terror attack programing, Yahoo News published a report on October 22, 2015, entitled “In Hunt for US Terror Recruits, FBI Agents Set Traps”, further confirming, albeit in a de facto manner, that the FBI is running terror operations on the ground in America.

A day later on October 23, 2015, FBI director Comey stated that the FBI has over 900 domestic probes about ISIS operatives and other extremists in America. Translation: the FBI has roughly 900 state-sponsored terrorist which they are planning to unleash on the American public.

In what appears to be more pre-domestic terror attack propaganda, it was reported on October 24, 2015, that a man arrested in South Carolina after over 7,000 stolen guns were found on his property. Consequently, a gun-related siege by domestic terrorists is imminent.

In order to provide a timely motive for a revenge-like attack on the U.S. government, it was also reported on October 24, 2015, that the BLM illegally sold thousands of wild horses for slaughter. The Bundy Ranch Standoff was with the BLM, hence the timely report.

A day later on October 25, 2015, USA Today published a report entitled “New York Man Creates ‘Sovereign Nation’ in Utah”. In the aftermath of a high-profile militia-based terror attack, a “sovereign nation” (i.e., terrorist camp) will be formed by terrorists Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and/or Utah.

In what appears to be pre-hotel terror attack programming, it was reported on November 1, 2015, that 9 people were killed in a hotel attack in Somalia in which hostages were taken. The attack was designed to set the precedent for a redux attack by the Bundy Militia, most likely in Reno or Las Vegas, Nevada.

Lastly, on November 2, 2015, it was reported that an Idaho rancher was shot and killed by deputies. Needless to say, the assassination was designed to provide a timely motive for an unprovoked militia-related attack in Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and/or Utah.

Utah State Capitol Attack
In what appears to be pre-Utah State Capitol terror attack logistics, it was reported back on October 16, 2015, that the Utah State Capitol in Salt Lake City was evacuated after a man left a wreath and rifle on the main floor of the building during business hours. Whether the timely evacuation provided the necessary cover for the installation of weapons and/or explosives within the Utah State Capitol building is not known, but it’s highly likely. Said weapons and/or explosives could be utilized at a future date in a coordinated state-sponsored terror attack.

Nevada State Capitol Attack
In what appears to be pre-Nevada State Capitol terror attack logistics, it was reported 9-days later on October 25, 2015, that the Nevada governor’s office inexplicably removing several key parking spaces from outside the state capitol building, possibly providing plausible deniability for the eventual detonation of a truck bomb. Whether the timely removal of the parking spaces provided the necessary cover for the installation of weapons and/or explosives around the Nevada State Capitol building is not known, but it’s highly likely. Said weapons and/or explosives could be utilized at a future date in a coordinated state-sponsored terror attack.

Waco Siege

Waco-Like Siege of Bundy Ranch
Based on breaking news and events, it appears that the Obama administration (at the behest of CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva) is plotting a Waco-like siege of the Bundy Ranch located just outside Las Vegas, Nevada. The Waco Siege, which lasted from February 28, 1993 until April 19, 1993, was a state-sponsored made-for-TV siege of the Branch Davidians’ compound which left 82 dead, most of which were women and children. A total of 4 ATF agents were also killed by “friendly fire” during the attack. The impending siege is designed to bait scores of so-called patriots to the Bundy Ranch in Nevada were they will be double-crossed by the CIA-funded Bundy Ranch Militia who is openly at war with the U.S. government. The dead will then be used as poster boys for a new civil war in America. It is imperative to note that CIA operative Cliven Bundy was specifically chosen because his name invokes the likeness of Ted Bundy, possibly the most notorious serial killer in history. Consequently, it can be deduced that the Bundy Ranch Militia will be implicated in serial domestic terror attacks. In what appears to be a CIA-spawned propaganda report designed to highlight the Waco Siege just prior to a redux-like attack, SPIN magazine published a report on November 6, 2015, entitled “God Rocks: SPIN’s 1993 Feature on the Siege in Waco, Texas”. That being said, the Bundy Ranch Militia may execute an attack on U.S. government-related entities such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the United States Bureau of Land Management (BLM), and/or the United States Forest Service if and when they try to visit. In the aftermath of a made-for-TV attack on a private or government-related entity, the domestic terrorists affiliated with the Bundy Ranch Standoff on April 5, 2014, will predictably flee to their secret domestic terrorist camp that’s been set up in the desert. The notion of a terrorist training camp within the United States was foreshadowed back on October 16, 2015, when Fox New published a propaganda report entitled “Man Who Plotted to Set Up US Terror Training Camp Sentenced”. A week later on October 23, 2015, FBI director Comey stated that the FBI has over 900 domestic probes about ISIS operatives and other extremists in America. Translation: the FBI has roughly 900 state-sponsored terrorist which they are planning to unleash on the American public. In what appears to be more pre-domestic terror attack propaganda, it was reported on October 24, 2015, that a man arrested in South Carolina after over 7,000 stolen guns were found on his property. Consequently, a gun-related siege by domestic terrorists is imminent. In order to provide a timely motive for a revenge-like attack on the U.S. government, it was also reported on October 24, 2015, that the BLM illegally sold thousands of wild horses for slaughter. The Bundy Ranch Standoff was with the BLM, hence the timely report. A day later on October 25, 2015, USA Today published a report entitled “New York Man Creates ‘Sovereign Nation’ in Utah”. In the aftermath of a high-profile militia-based terror attack, a “sovereign nation” (i.e., terrorist camp) will be formed by terrorists Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and/or Utah. Lastly, on November 2, 2015, it was reported that an Idaho rancher was shot and killed by deputies. Needless to say, the assassination was likely a blood sacrifice offered up to a successful Waco-like siege of the Bundy Ranch in Nevada.

OKC Bombing Redux
Exactly what type of domestic terror attack is planned is not known, but a domestic Oklahoma City Bombing-like attack with allegedly homemade fertilizer explosives is most likely terror scenario. In order to sell the notion that U.S. government buildings are being targeted just prior to a redux attack, it was reported back on May 20, 2015, that a bomb threat prompted the evacuation of 2 federal buildings in Los Angeles, California. In order to further program the American public for an Oklahoma City Bombing-like attack, it was reported on July 28, 2015, that an Iowa father and son died from manure pit fumes. Needless to say, the men were likely assassinated in order to sell the fraudulent notion of the fertilizer bomb. Lastly, in order to foreshow the notion of a building collapse due to well-placed demolition explosives, USA Today published a report on August 29, 2015, entitled “Watch: 170 Detonations Take Down Denver Building”. Needless to say, these reports, taken collectively, suggest that a state-sponsored Oklahoma City Bombing-like attack is imminent.

DHS Right Wing Attack Map

Domestic Terror Trending
In order to create the necessary media narrative for domestic terror attacks in America, a DHS intelligence report warning of a domestic right-wing terror threat was released on February 19, 2015. The shocking report stated that right-wing sovereign citizen extremists who “reject government authority” are now carrying out sporadic terror attacks on police and have “threatened attacks on government buildings”. The domestic terror attack map released by DHS coincidentally included alleged attacks in both Arizona and Nevada. Roughly 2-months later on April 16, 2015, USA Today published a report entitled “Meeting McVeigh: Given the Opportunity to Express Remorse, He Offered None at All”. Although McVeigh has been dead since 2001, the report was designed to infer that: a) he is alive; and b) he would execute the bombing again if he could, foreshadowing a redux attack. Two days later on April 18, 2015, CNN published a report entitled “Today’s Most-Wanted Domestic Terrorists”, highlighting the notion that even today, domestic terrorists are alive and well in America. In other words, the U.S. is currently being targeted by domestic terrorists. Lastly, on the morning of April 19, 2015, CNN published a report entitled “Homegrown Extremist Threat Remains 20 Years after Oklahoma City Bombing”, confirming, albeit in a de facto manner, that America is still under the threat of state-sponsored domestic terror.

About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of, a state-sponsored terror whistle-blower website. Taylor currently lives in Switzerland where he applied for political asylum on July 17, 2015. Taylor authored The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011, and Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is coincidentally home to the CIA. Taylor has also published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the Terrorgate Scandal, the 2014 Memorial Day Massacre, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2015, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing was a hoax.

READ: World’s ‘Most Wanted’ Whistle-Blower Journalist David Chase Taylor Applies for Political Asylum in Switzerland Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed, it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste


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