A DECEMBER TO REMEMBER: 17 Reasons Why Geneva-Based CIA Will Accident, Arrest, Assassinate, Burn Alive, Deport, Institutionalize, Kidnap, Overdose, Poison or Suicide Whistle-Blower David Chase Taylor in Swiss Alps by Christmas Day, December 25, 2016

Posted: December 10, 2016 in Breaking News


David Chase Taylor
December 10, 2016

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — The proverbial noose around my neck is tightening with each passing day. I desperately need help or I will be accidented, arrested, assassinated, kidnapped, institutionalized, overdosed, poisoned or suicided by Christmas Day, December 25, 2016.

In short, I am a whistle-blower journalist who has been marked for death and nothing short of my lifeless body will suffice CIA Headquarters located beneath Lake Geneva which I exposed for the first time in history.

Despite the overgrowing list of atrocities committed against me, I have absolutely no animosity  or hate towards any person or entity in Switzerland whatsoever. Rather, I have empathy for those who persecute me for they are only compartmentalized minions who know not what they do.

These various acts of persecution were premeditatively executed in order to provide a motive for a so-called “revenge” attack that will be executed by the CIA and subsequently blamed on me. All I have done since 2011 is expose state-sponsored terrorism which is why I am being set-up for committing the very crime which I expose.

For the record, I have never committed a crime in my life and have been a peace activist since 2007. I will never resort to violence of any kind, ever. I have lived legally in Switzerland since 2009 during which I was never charged with a crime. Consequently, any purported violence on my behalf should now and forever be considered patently false.

Needless to say, the CIA would like nothing more than to make the world’s most effective peace activist appear as a criminal, hacker, rapist, spy, terrorist or thief in the eyes of the public. In short, the CIA plans to terminate me in some manner, after which they will soil my good name by accusing me of some heinous crime.

Since the CIA plans to execute mass attacks and/or invasions of America prior to Donald Trump officially becoming President on January 20, 2016, the CIA only has about 40-days left to assassinate or neutralize me in some manner before they can implement martial law and install an Obama dictatorship in the aftermath of a National Emergency.

1. Targeted for Assassination
Since 2011, I have survived literally hundreds of assassination attempts (see plots below). The most notably recent was on November 8, 2016, when an undercover Swiss police officer pulled a gun on me in a café here in the Swiss Alps. After screaming at him not to do it, he panicked and began to stutter profusely in Swiss German.

2. I Am Being Set-Up
I have foiled numerous plots (see plots below) by the CIA to set me up for crimes I did not commit, namely: a) arson-related crimes, b) bank-related crimes, c) blackmail-related crimes, d) cyber-related crimes, e) drug-related crimes, f) espionage-related crimes, g) financial-related crimes, h) immigration-related crimes, i) sexual-related crimes, j) terror-related crimes, and k) theft-related crimes.

3. Forced Institutionalization Raid Looming
The Swiss citizen and former employee of the Swiss government who originally helped me apply for asylum in 2015 has now written a letter to the Federal Office of Migration in an attempt to have me committed to a mental asylum for allegedly being insane. Needless to say, my former friend and his family were likely threatened, hence his sudden change of heart.

4. Swiss Asylum Permit Denied
The Swiss government inexplicably denied me an ‘N’ permit (which is issued to all Swiss asylum seekers) when I officially applied for asylum back on July 17, 2015. This was specifically done to: a) deny me a proper photo identification, and/or b) arrest me at a later date for an alleged immigration violation.

5. Political Asylum Case Decided in 24-Hours
My case for political asylum was decided by the Swiss government in 24-hours before one piece of evidence could be submitted into the public record, an egregious violation of the Dublin Agreement. Most asylum cases take over a year to decide for a lengthy investigation into the asylum seeker’s claims must be vetted. However, due to revelations of CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva and their inherent state-sponsored terrorism, my case was purposely omitted from the record.

6. Bank Account Closed
The Geneva-based CIA evidently forced Credit Suisse to close my bank account in September of 2015, limiting my ability to receive donations from abroad. After inquiring about the closure, I was told by a Credit Suisse bank manager that this was unprecedented, after which he apologized profusely. My bank closure was also done in order to provide an alleged motive for a “revenge” attack on Credit Suisse. Needless to say, I have no qualms with Credit Suisse whatsoever.

7. PayPal Account Blocked
Since September of 2015, the CIA cut off all my PayPal donations which I used to receive on weekly basis at Truther.org. Consequently, I have no income whatsoever. Needless to say, the CIA is trying to make it as hard as possible for me to survive in Switzerland, one of the most expensive countries in the world.

8. Random Explosives Text Executed
Back on October 16, 2016, the Geneva-based CIA ordered the Swiss State Police to conduct a random explosives test while I was sitting at a bus stop in Zurich. This test was specifically done in order to provide the pretext to arrest or assassinate me at a later date, possibly for allegedly detonating or possessing an explosives device of some kind.

9.  Right to Attorney Denied
The Swiss federal government has repeatedly denied me my right to an attorney in my case for political asylum, a violation of both Swiss and international law. Without legal representation, all of the other atrocities listed herein were executed with impunity. While a statue of whistle-blowers Assange, Manning and Snowden was erected in front of the United Nations with the slogan “Got Something to Say”, I am denied the right to an attorney, most basic right in a democracy.

10. Due Process Denied
The Swiss government has repeatedly denied me due process in my case for politics asylum. Although my political asylum appeal to the Supreme Court of Switzerland was submitted in January of 2015, I have yet to receive a formal response. Needless to say, the CIA plans to arrest, assassinate, institutionalize, kidnap or suicide me this December before my case is heard by the Supreme Court which would naturally make international headlines.

11.  Employment Denied
The Geneva-based CIA has repeatedly denied me employment since 2011 because I would be issued another Swiss work permit, enabling me to: a) support myself, b) hire an attorney, and c) stay in the country indefinitely. Despite sending out over 500 job applications since 2011, I have not been able to retain a job. Despite having multiple college degrees and certifications, I am not allowed to work in Switzerland.

12.  Social Services Denied
The Swiss government has repeatedly denied me social welfare while my case for political asylum is on appeal, essentially rendering me homeless. This is yet another violation of the Dublin Regulation which governs asylum law in Europe which Switzerland is party to. Despite being a registered resident of the Canton of Zurich with a valid Swiss “B” permit, I was repeatedly denied all social services. Since 2012, the Swiss government has denied me access to both health care and dental care which is guaranteed to all residents of Switzerland. In short, all social services which are offered to asylum seekers and legal residents have been denied.

13. iPhone Hacked
Back on December 8, 2016, my iPhone was evidently hacked by the CIA as I am no longer able to make videos about the impending assassination, arrest, institutionalization, kidnapping or suicide plots which I  face on a daily bases. Needless to say, the last thing the CIA wants is a video testament from me on YouTube just hours prior to my death or incarceration.

14. Couchsurfing App Blocked
Despite using the Couchsurfing.com to find accommodations around Switzerland  over the last 2-years, the Geneva-based CIA has now blocked my account, denying me access to all those who would offer me a free place to stay. This was specifically done so that I am on the streets and vulnerable to attack. Although I can send messages, I have not received a positive response from a neutral person in over a year.

15. Family Deaths
15. In the last 2-years, three of my family members died under suspicious circumstances. My cousin Benny was gunned down outside of Chicago while my uncles Conny and Thomas were assassinated under the guise of medical-related illnesses. The days between the death of my family members confirms that they were in fact assassinations. My death will be the fourth in the family. The number “4” was originally a “+” symbol which is coincidentally found on the flag of Switzerland.

16. Classmate Deaths
A classmate of mine named Angela Moore from McNary High School died mysteriously surrounding our high school reunion in June of 2015 where a friend of mine was slated to address my entire class reunion about my situation in Switzerland. Obviously, the CIA couldn’t have that. The brother of the most popular kid in our class also died that weekend. Consequently, my case was lost in the tragic events of the weekend.

17. CERN Blood Sacrifice
The notion that the whistle-blower who blew the 700-year cover of CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva (i.e., CERN) in Switzerland, will be assassinated was confirmed back on August 11, 2016, when a video was released of a human blood sacrifice at CERN, entrance to CIA Headquarters. As evidenced in the video, the sacrifice was carried out by robed members of the Catholic Clergy. The CERN sacrifice was also created as media and political cover for both the Swiss government and the CIA (Catholic Intelligence Agency) in the event that the story of my assassination via blood sacrifice begins to spread (i.e., go viral) postmortem.


1. Assassination via blood sacrifice
2. Assassination via pipe bomb or fire bomb
3. Assassination/arrest for alleged rape, sexual assault and/or other sexual-related crimes
4. Assassination/arrest for alleged blackmail
5. Assassination/arrest for committing or plotting attacks or violence in Swiss Alps
6. Assassination/arrest during forced institutionalization raid for alleged mental illness
7. Assassination/arrest for alleged immigration violation
8. Assassination via timely hotel fire and/or explosion
9. Assassination/arrest for publishing ‘fake news’ at Truther.org or inspiring ‘fake news’-related attacks
10. Kidnapping, torture and murder under guise of ‘missing persons’ case
11. Assassination via Russian-based aerial/missile attack on Switzerland
12. Russian-based attack and/or invasion of Switzerland
13. Assassination/arrest for allegedly committing, financing, inspiring, plotting IRA and/or Neo-Nazi attacks
14. Assassination/arrest for allegedly committing, financing, inspiring, plotting acts of domestic terrorism
15. Assassination/arrest for allegedly detonating and/or possessing explosive device
16. Assassination/arrest for alleged links to ISIS and/or Islamic terrorism
17. Assassination via plane crash
18. Assassination/arrest for alleged attempted murder and/or murder
19. Assassination via hotel/tourist-related attack
20. Assassination/arrest for alleged cyber and/or real/world attack on CERN
21. Assassination via man/made earthquake
22. Assassination via aerial-related attack (eg, drone, helicopter, plane, etc.)
23. Assassination under guise of alcohol poisoning, drug overdose, mushroom poisoning, etc.
24. Assassination under guise of alleged suicide
25. Assassination under guise of sudden mystery medical condition (eg, cancer, flu, heart attack, etc.)
26. Assassination/arrest for Truther.org report allegedly causing public panic and/or emergency response
27. Assassination/arrest for allegedly visiting ISIS websites and/or possessing ISIS paraphernalia
28. Assassination/arrest for cyber and/or real world attack on FIS and/or espionage-related targeting of FIS
29. Assassination/arrest for allegedly being German spy and/or sharing German intel secrets
30. Assassination/arrest for alleged espionage, possibly Russian in origin
31. Assassination/arrest for alleged Couchsurfing crimes (eg, murder, rape, theft, etc.)
32. Assassination/arrest for alleged defamation, libel, hate-speech, muckraking, etc.
33. Assassination/arrest for alleged financial-related crimes such as tax evasion
34. Assassination/arrest for alleged cyber and/or real world attack on ATMs
35. Assassination/arrest for alleged cyber and/or real world attack on bank and stock exchanges
36. Assassination under guise of random murder and/or murder suicide
37. Assassination/arrest for alleged attack on Swiss Banks, possibly former bank Credit Suisse

About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Truther.org, a state-sponsored terror whistle-blower website. Taylor currently lives in Switzerland where he applied for political asylum on July 17, 2015. Taylor authored The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011, and Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is coincidentally home to the CIA. Taylor has also published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the Terrorgate Scandal, the 2014 Memorial Day Massacre, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2015, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing was a hoax.

READ: World’s ‘Most Wanted’ Whistle-Blower Journalist David Chase Taylor Applies for Political Asylum in Switzerland

Truther.org Legal Disclaimer
Truther.org’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by Truther.org DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed, it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste


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