2017 CONGRESSIONAL BASEBALL SHOOTING ASSASSINATION & ARREST ALERT (JUNE 18, 2017): GENEVA-BASED CIA TO ASSASSINATE OR ARREST DAVID CHASE TAYLOR IN GERMANY ON JUNE 19-20, 2017, FOR ALLEGEDLY INCITING, INSPIRING AND/OR OTHERWISE BEING LINKED TO 2017 CONGRESSIONAL BASEBALL SHOOTING IN VIRGINIA ON JUNE 14, 2017—Mass Shooting Which Injured 6-People Outside of Washington, DC on June 14, 2017, Executed by CIA Only 48-Hours After Truther.org Report Warning that CIA was Plotting Assassination of US Politicians on June 12, 2017

Posted: June 18, 2017 in Breaking News

Virginia US Congress Shooting

David Chase Taylor
June 18, 2017

GERMANY, Undisclosed Location — On June 19-29, 2017, CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva will predictably assassinate or arrest me, David Chase Taylor, a nuclear terror whistle-blower journalist who was denied political asylum in Switzerland for 6-years because it’s home to the one and only CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).

In short, breaking news and events suggests that the Geneva-based CIA is planning to assassinate or arrest me in Germany for allegedly inciting, inspiring and/or otherwise being linked to the 2017 Congressional Baseball Shooting in Alexandria, Virginia on June 14, 2017, during which 6-people were reportedly injured.

Back on June 10, 2017, I published a Truther.org terror alert warning that the
Geneva-based CIA was likely plotting an assassination ‘event’ targeting American politicians on June 12, 2017, exactly 2,347-days after the assassination attempt on U.S. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords in Arizona.

Consequently, the CIA is having their minions in Virginia stage a shooting which will predictably result in my arrest for allegedly inciting, inspiring and/or otherwise being linked to the shooting which the CIA committed. In short, the CIA will claim that the alleged suspect got the idea to shoot member of congress from Truther.org despite the fact that the assassination of Donald Trump is openly talked about in the media 24/7.

The numerology of the shooting predictably has the CIA fingerprint as the powerball number found in the days since the last shooting involving a member of U.S. Congress is 49 which equates to “DI” in the English alphabet as in “Die”. The numbers “4” and “9” are present in the Waco Massacre of April 19, 1993 (i.e., 4/19) and the Oklahoma City Bombing of April 19, 1995 (i.e., 4/19).

Incident at London Bridge

Copy-Cat Like Attacks
In order to create the narrative that mentally ill persons and/or Islamic terrorists are executing copy-cat-like attacks based off Truther.org terror alerts, British Prime Minister Theresa May stated on June 3, 2017, that we are now dealing with a new trend of so-called copy-cat terror attacks. In her address after the London Bridge Attacks, May stated that, “In terms of their planning and execution, the recent attacks are not connected but we believe we are experiencing a new trend in the threat we face….As terrorism breeds terrorism and perpetrators are inspired to attack…by copying one another and often using the crudest of means of attack”. What May is alluding to is that there is a CIA program in play which involves staging attacks based off Truther.org terror alerts. In other words, Truther.org foils a terror plot and a “soft” version of the attack is executed by the CIA in order to create the fraudulent pretext to assassinate, arrest or extradite me for allegedly inciting, inspiring and/or otherwise being linked to the attack. The copy-cat scenario was witnessed in the aftermath of the Manchester suicide bombing on May 22, 2017, when German police arrested a would-be suicide bomber from Syria 8-days later on May 30, 2017. Since said suicide bomber was inexplicably released, he is likely awaiting CIA orders to strike the German city where I am currently living. The copy-cat scenario was also witnessed in the days after Manchester concert bombing on May 22, 2017, when it was reported on June 3, 2017, that the ‘Rock am Ring’ music festival in Germany was evacuated due to ‘terror danger situation’.

About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of Truther.org, a state-sponsored terror whistle-blower website. Taylor currently lives in Switzerland where he applied for political asylum on July 17, 2015. Taylor authored The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011, and Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is coincidentally home to the CIA. Taylor has also published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, theTerrorgate Scandal, the 2014 Memorial Day Massacre, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2015, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing was a hoax.

READ: World’s ‘Most Wanted’ Whistle-Blower Journalist David Chase Taylor Applies for Political Asylum in Switzerland

Truther.org Legal Disclaimer
Truther.org’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by Truther.org DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed, it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste


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