OPERATION REICHSTAG STORM: CIA PLOTTING JUNE 26, 2024, MADE-FOR-TV RUSSIA-BACKED AFD (ALTERNATIVE FOR GERMANY), ANTI-SEMITIC, NEO-NAZI, NPD (NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF GERMANY), SKINHEAD AND/OR WHITE SUPREMECIST-BASED ARSON, BIOLOGICAL, BOMBING, CHEMICAL, FIREBOMBING, KIDNAPPING, HOSTAGE CRISIS, MASS SHOOTING, MOLOTOV COCKTAIL, NUCLEAR, OCCUPATION, RADIOLOGICAL, SIEGE, SUICIDE BOMBING, VEHICLE-BORNE IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVE DEVICE (VBIED), VEHICULAR MANSLAUGHTER AND/OR WEAPONIZED CONTAGION (E.G., ANTHRAX, EBOLA, RICIN, SMALLPOX, ETC.)-RELATED COUP D’ÉTAT ATTACK TARGETING THE REICHSTAG BUILDING IN BERLIN, GERMANY SPECIFICALLY TO SPAWN SECOND GLOBAL BIOLOGICAL PANDEMIC AND/OR TRIGGER WOLD WAR III (JUNE 25, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Russia-Backed AFD, Anti-Semitc, Neo-Nazi, NPD, Skinhead and/or White Supremacist-Based Coup D’état Attack Targeting the Reichstag Building (i.e., Seat of the German Bundestag) in Berlin, Germany on June 26, 2024, Exactly 43-Days After Alternative for Germany (AF) Co-Founder Björn Höcke was Convicted and Fined €13,000 by the Halle State Court for Deliberately Using Banned Nazi Germany-Based Slogan ‘Alles für Deutschland’ (Which was Specifically Designed to Provide Timely Motive for Revenge Attack) Back on May 14, 2024, Exactly 165-Days After CIA Stage the Ongoing So-Called ‘2024 German Anti-Extremism Protests’ Across Germany (Which was Specifically Designed to Highlight the Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party on International Level Just Prior to Impending Attack) Back on January 13, 2024, Exactly 214-Days After CIA Staged the So-Called ‘2023 Potsdam Far Right Meeting’ Between Alternative for Germany (AfD) Politicians and Far-Right Activists at the Adlon Mansion on Lake Lehnitz in Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany (Which Will Predictably be Cited as the Meeting During Which the Current Plot to Attack Berlin was Hatched) Back on November 25, 2023, Exactly 691-Days After CIA Staged Coup D’état Exercise Entitled ‘Operation Breaking Dawn’ Which Featured the Deployment of 25,000 Israeli Defence Forces Slated to Invade and Occupy Berlin Under Guise of Foreign Occupation Back on August 5, 2022, Exactly 732-Days After CIA Staged Accidental Death of Train Surfer at Rathaus Steglitz S-Bahn Train Station in Berlin, Germany (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on June 25, 2022, Exactly 931-Days After Olaf Scholz Became Chancellor of Germany Back on December 8, 2021, Exactly 1,076-Days After CIA Staged Police Beating Scandal Targeting Police Station at Alexanderplatz in Berlin, Germany (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on July 16, 2021, Exactly 1,091-Days After the US Military Unceremoniously Handed Back Bagram Airfield-BAF (i.e., Bagram Air Base) to the Government of Afghanistan (Which Inexplicably Granted Al-Qaeda and/or The Taliban Possession of (4) Lockheed C-130 Hercules Cargo Planes as Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on July 1, 2021, Exactly 1,128-Days After Russia and Serbia Executed Special Forces (i.e., ISIS) Military Exercises Featuring ‘200 Special Troops’ Participating in Live Ammunition Shooting and ‘Anti-Terrorist’ Action in Serbia (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on May 25, 2021, Exactly 1,334-Days After Berlin Brandenburg Airport Opened in Schönefeld, Brandenburg, Germany Back on October 31, 2020, Exactly 1,397-Days After CIA Staged Neo-Nazi Storming of Reichstag Building in Berlin, Germany (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on August 29, 2020, Exactly 1,461-Days After ‘The New York Times’ Published Report Entitled, ‘Russia Secretly Offered Afghan Militants Bounties to Kill U.S. Troops, Intelligence Says’, Back on June 26, 2020, Exactly 2,095-Days After CIA Staged Arrest of (6) White Males from Neo-Nazi Group Entitled ‘Revolution Chemnitz’ for Plotting Attack on Foreigners in Chemnitz, Germany (Which Appear to be the Patsies who Will be Scapegoated for Impending Attack) Back on October 1, 2018, Exactly 2,979-Days After the German Newspaper ‘Bild am Sonntag’ Revealed that Berlin Brandenburg Airport Corruption Whistle-Blower had Been Poisoned with ‘Deadly Substance’ (Which was Specifically Designed to Foreshadow CBRN-Related Attack Targeting Berlin at Later Date) Back on April 30, 2016, Exactly 3,705-Days After CIA Founded the Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Paramilitary Group Entitled ‘Azov Special Operations Detachment’ (i.e.,5 Azov Battalion) as Logistics Cover and Military Cover for False-Flag Russian Attack Back on May 5, 2014, Exactly 4,158-Days After CIA Spawned Official Neo-Nazi Party in Germany Entitled AFD (Alternative for Germany) Back on February 6, 2013, Exactly 4,433-Days After Vladimir V. Putin Became President of Russia for a Second Time Back on May 7, 2012, Exactly 16,253-Days After CIA Staged the Russian ‘Operation Storm-333’ Special Forces-Based Assassination and Coup Attack Targeting the Tajbeg Palace in Kabul, Afghanistan Back on December 27, 1979, Exactly 21,760-Days After CIA Spawned the Neo-Nazi ‘National Democratic Party of Germany’ (NPD) in Germany Back on November 28, 1964, Exactly 27,321-Days After ‘The Bundestag’ Officially Opened in Berlin, Germany Back on September 7, 1949, Exactly 32,923-Days After CIA Founded Second Top-Secret Jewish State (After Switzerland and Before Israel) in Russia Entitled ‘Jewish Autonomous Oblast’ (JAO) Which has Carte Blanche De Facto Command and Control Over the Kremlin in Moscow Back on May 7, 1934, & Exactly 33,357-Days After CIA Staged the So-Called ‘Reichstag Fire’ Targeting the Reichstag Building (i.e., Capital Building of German Government) in Berlin, Germany (Which was Subsequently Blamed on an Immigrant from the Netherlands) Back on February 27, 1933

Posted: June 25, 2024 in Breaking News

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