Posted: March 29, 2016 in Breaking News






MARCH 28, 2016

EARTH, Undisclosed LocationDespite the incessant rumors that one Barack Hussein Obama II was born in Hawaii or Kenya and subsequently raised in Indonesia, Obama was evidently born and raised in Switzerland where he admittedly has blood relatives and has even been named an honorary citizen.

Based on where the Obama family reportedly emanated from in Ried bei Kerzers, Switzerland, as well as Obama’s physical traits and personal mannerisms, it appears that Obama is a hybrid descendant of Septimius Severus, the first African Roman Emperor, and the late American civil rights leader Malcom X.

The bloodline of Severus is a historical tribute to the Roman Empire’s house (i.e., line) of dictators which is coincidentally depicted in the coat of arms of Ried bei Kerzers, while the bloodline of Malcolm X is a genetic tribute to the charismatic African-American leader who Obama is supposed to emulate.

Obama was given the birth name of “Barry Soetoro” which he retained until circa 1980 when he was subsequently re-named Barack Hussein Obama II. The fictitious name of “O-bomb-a” was created to foreshadow the impending nuclear attack on America which will ultimately elevate Obama to dictator status.

Similar to Napoleon Bonaparte, Benito Mussolini and Kim Jong-un (all of which lived in Switzerland prior to their role as dictators), Obama was groomed by the CIA in Switzerland to become the dictator of his respective country—the United States of America. This will happen in the aftermath of a so-called “National Emergency”.

However, unlike his predecessors, Obama is a Manchurian Candidate under state-of-the-art mind-control. In short, Obama has evidently been programmed to act and speak electronically (likely via an insertable microchip) which is why his presidency has become synonymous with teleprompters which provide him the necessary political cover.

The notion that Obama is under mind control is corroborated by the fact that he exudes massive cranial scaring which suggests that the president previously underwent extensive brain surgery. However, because Obama’s medical records are sealed, the official cause of his pronounced head scars remains unknown.

As the actor Denzel Washington stated in the 2004 Hollywood propaganda film entitled “The Manchurian Candidate” (which coincidentally foreshadows an Obama dictatorship), “This is a coup…In our own country, a regime change…to put a sleeper in the White House”.

If Obama is under mind control as alleged, he would have a “handler” which manages his psyche on an almost daily basis. Coincidentally, Obama’s alleged college girlfriend, Genevieve Cook, appears to be the same person as psychologist Dr. Lisa E. Jack, whom together have shadowed Obama for 41 of his 54-years of life.

Aside from the fact that the Obama is a chain smoker who has long been rumored to be a homosexual, evidence now suggests that Obama never attended Occidental College, Columbia College or Harvard Law School, or taught at the University of Chicago Law School as alleged, making him the epitome of an intellectual fraud.

This notion is corroborated by the fact that there are no photos or video of Obama graduating from Columbia College, and no photos or video of Obama graduating from Harvard Law School, despite being the first African-American President of the prestigious Harvard Law Review.

In the introduction of his book “Dreams from My Father” (2004), Obama writes, “For we are strangers before them, and sojourners, as were all our fathers”. The Bible verse from 1 Chronicles 29:15 evidently serves as a veiled warning to all of humanity that Obama is not who or what he purports to be.

As many have suspected, Obama is slated to become America’s first dictator—the next Adolf Hitler if you will. Similar to Nazi Germany, the mass genocide of millions is planned via FEMA concentration camps which have now been erected across the United States under the guise of Homeland Security (DHS).

Therefore, the only way to stop the impending Obama dictatorship is to expose the power which lies behind the throne, namely CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva, Switzerland which is ultimately in command and control of Obama’s person, policies and presidency in general.

The fact that Obama’s motorcade is officially entitled “The Beast” is no accident for it was designed to foreshadow the rise of the Anti-Christ, the dreaded “Mark of the Beast” (i.e., “666”), and the “End Times” which is why the world is now suffering unprecedented chaos, climate change, disease, terrorism and war.

In short, Obama is the Anti-Christ long warned about in the Holy Bible (the allegorical and metaphorical history book of the Roman Empire) who was genetically spawned by the CIA in Switzerland to counter the arrival of the Messiah and the Apocalypse which, contrary to popular belief, does mean the “End of the World”.

Rather, the term apocalypse is defined as the “uncovering” in respect to information about Roman Empire in Greenland and its CIA Headquarters located beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland as documented in the shocking book “Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now” (2014) by David Chase Taylor.

Because virtually all major religions prophesize that the Roman Empire and its Anti-Christ (i.e., Obama) will be destroyed by the Messiah, it stands to reason that the Messiah is now here on Earth to usher in the Messianic Age (i.e., the World to Come), otherwise known as the Age of Aquarius.

As the playwright Edward Bulwer-Lytton once stated, “The pen is mightier than the sword“, but that was prior to the invention of the internet. Consequently, the power to stop Obama now lies in the hands of people reading this report. Peace on Earth will not come until humanity demands it, and that time must be now!


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9.1: Anti-Christ Obama
Evidence acquired to date now confirms that Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ (i.e., the “False Messiah”) as depicted in the Holy Bible, the allegorical and metaphorical history book of the Roman Empire. The word “Anti-Christ” is comprised of the two root words “anti” and “Christ”. The term “anti” is defined as “against”, “opposite of”, and “in place of”, while the term “Christ” equates to “Messiah”, both of which literally mean “Anointed One”. Consequently, the rise of the Anti-Christ (i.e., the “False-Messiah”) is designed to counter the real “Messiah”, a man which is now alive here on Earth. Since the real Messiah came to save the world, Obama was premeditatively spawned by the CIA to destroy it so that the Messiah cannot be seen nor his message heard above the ensuing chaos and war. It is imperative to note that Obama is not a spawn of Satan but rather a mere human who was genetically engineered and groomed by the CIA in Switzerland (at the behest of the Roman Empire in Greenland) to serve as the de facto dictator of America and the world during the “Great Tribulation” and the “End Time”. This notion is corroborated by the Roman Catholic Saint Jerome (c. 347-420) who stated, “Let us not follow the opinion of some commentators and suppose [the Anti-Christ] to be either the Devil or some demon, but rather, one of the human race, in whom Satan will wholly take up his residence in bodily form”. The notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ was first identified back on November 13, 2008, when Obama chose “Renegade” as his Secret Service codename. The term “renegade” is defined as: a) an “apostate from religious faith”, b) an “individual who rejects lawful behavior”, and c) an “outlaw; a rebel”. In 2 Thessalonians 2 of the New King James Version (NKJV) of the Bible, the Anti-Christ is described under the headline “The Great Apostasy” while 2 Thessalonians 2:9 specifically refers to him as the “lawless one”. In other words, Obama’s Secret Service codename literally means Anti-Christ. Roughly 3-years later in September of 2011, Obama stated “Don’t compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative”. This telling statement suggests that Obama is conscious of the fact that he is destined to become the Anti-Christ. Roughly 40-months later on April 25, 2015, Obama openly joked about being the Anti-Christ while at the White House Correspondents Dinner, stating that “Michele Bachmann actually predicted I would bring about the Biblical ‘End of Days’. Now that’s a legacy — that’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington — they didn’t do that”. Although Obama is routinely portrayed as a great humanitarian who cares deeply about the world, nothing could be further from the truth. The notion that the Anti-Christ will be touted as a great philanthropist was prophesized by the Roman Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979) who wrote that “[The Anti-Christ]…will come disguised as the Great Humanitarian; he will talk peace, prosperity and plenty not as means to lead us to God, but as ends in themselves”. In short, Obama has been politically tasked with saving the world from a hoard of internal and external threats (e.g., asteroids, biological pandemics, financial crises, global warming, ISIS, World War III, etc.) which were premeditatively manufactured by the CIA in order to provide Obama the necessary political cover so that he can oversee the industrial slaughter of roughly 75% of the Earth’s population, otherwise known as the “Great Tribulation”. Lastly, the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ is inherently felt by a certain segment of the population as evidenced by a September 16, 2009, poll which found that 33% of conservatives in New Jersey think that Obama “could” be the anti-Christ, while 18% of self-identified conservatives believe that Obama “is” the Anti-Christ. Roughly 4-years later in April of 2013, Public Policy Polling conducted a poll which found that 13% of Americans believe Obama “is” the Anti-Christ, while 25% of Americans believe that Obama “may” be the Anti-Christ. Considering the incessant propaganda and programming claiming that Obama is in fact the Anti-Christ (see below), the aforementioned poll numbers should come as no surprise.


9.2: Anti-Christ Obama Foreshadowed in Religion
Because virtually all major religions are Greco-Roman in origin, there are numerous references to the coming of the Anti-Christ which has now been identified as Barack Hussein Obama II. In Christian eschatology, Jesus comes back to Earth to face the Anti-Christ, the greatest False Messiah in history. Although there are four Bible verses which specifically refer to the Anti-Crist (i.e., 1 John 2:22, 1 John 2:18, 1 John 4:3 and 2 John 1:7), the account given in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10 is by far the most descriptive. In short, it states that the Anti-Christ “opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God”, thereby “shewing himself that he is God”. Although Obama claims to be a Christian, his pro-Islamic actions and rhetoric suggest otherwise. His statement that “We are no longer a Christian nation” suggests that Obama is lying about being a Christian which is exactly what one would expect from the Anti-Christ. The notion that the Anti-Christ will be anti-Christian in nature was prophesized by the Roman Catholic Bishop Fulton J. Sheen who stated that the Anti-Christ “will not believe in God”. The Bible verse 2 Thessalonians 2 states that the Anti-Christ will be “taken out of the way” and that he will be destroyed with the “brightness of his coming”, an apparent reference to his epic battle with the Messiah. Since light is most often affiliated with truth, it appears that the Messiah will ultimately destroy Obama the Anti-Christ with truth. In Islamic eschatology, the evil being Al-Masih ad-Dajjal is known as “The False Messiah” or “The Deceiver” (i.e., the Anti-Christ). In short, Dajjal pretends to be the Masih (i.e. the Messiah) at a time in the future, before Yawm al-Qiyamah (i.e., the Day of Resurrection). In other words, in Islamic tradition, the Anti-Christ will be touted as the Savior of the world. According to Abu Bakr Siddiq, the Messenger of Allah, “Dajjal will travel the whole world preaching his falsehood. As of March 2016, Obama has made 44 international trips to 55 different countries, preaching his many falsehoods. In Jewish eschatology, Armilus is the Anti-Messiah (i.e., Anti-Christ) whose inevitable destruction symbolizes victory of good over evil in the Messianic Age. According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, Armilus is a “King who will arise at the end of time against the Messiah” who will be the offspring of Satan and a virgin, or Satan and a statue (or “stone”). Because Obama is evidently a hybrid descendant of Septimius Severus, the first African Roman Emperor, and the late American civil rights leader Malcom X, he may have been born of a virgin who was artificially inseminated. The term “stone” (S+T+N) is consonantly the same as the word “Satan” (S+T+N), both of which are representative of Greenland, the capstone of the Earth which is coincidentally home to the Roman Empire. The name of Armilus (R+M+L+S) was admittedly derived from Romulus (R+M+L+S), one of the founders of Rome. Consonantly speaking, the two names are identical. Lastly, because Obama is the Anti-Christ who was spawned by the Roman Empire, he met with Pope Ratzinger in 2009, met with Pope Francis in 2014, and met with Pope Francis again in 2015. Similar to the Catholic Church’s intimate relationship with Adolf Hitler, the aforementioned meetings between Obama and the Pope show the Catholic Church’s duplicity in respect to the impending dictatorship of President Obama.

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9.3: Anti-Christ Obama in Popular Culture 
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible, he is portrayed as such in various forms of popular culture. In the famous painting entitled “Deeds of the Anti-Christ” (c. 1501) by the Italian artist Luca Signorelli, the horned Anti-Christ is portrayed as a man of African descent as evidenced by his lips, nose, muscular structure and skin color. This artistic rendition apparently foreshadows the coming of the Anti-Christ Obama whose family allegedly emanated from Kenya. Also, the Anti-Christ’s hand is one and the same with that of Jesus, foreshadowing the notion that the Anti-Christ will: a) be touted as the Jesus-like Savior of the world, and b) attempt to impersonate and override the action of the Messiah, the true Savior of Earth. Consequently, Obama has been touted as a Jesus-like figure that has come to save the world (see below). Although there are a number of fictionalized Anti-Christs in popular culture, the dictatorial talking monkey known as “Shift” in C. S. LewisNarnia series (1949-1954) appears to be an overtly racist depiction of Obama as the Anti-Christ. Considering that Obama’s political campaign slogan was “Change” (a synonym of “Shift”), it appears that Obama’s political career is destined to end in a dictatorship. Similar to Obama’s record number of Executive Orders (a definite red flag of an impending dictatorship), Shift’s greed for power serves as his primary motivation, issuing unruly decrees. In the end, Shift has no problem murdering his own people and selling them into slavery, an apparent preview of Obama’s impending dictatorship which will feature FEMA concentration camps (see below). As Shift’s actions become increasingly evil, he becomes increasingly human in his appearance. This transformation suggests that Shift is a fictionalized depiction of a real-life dictator to come, namely President Obama. The notion that the Anti-Christ will be the son of Satan is not from the Book of Revelation but rather from the Hollywood films entitled “Rosemary’s Baby” (1968) and “The Omen” (1976), both of which feature an evil child whose destiny is to rule over and destroy the Earth. Although only conjecture, the aforementioned films appear to be a tribute to the birth of Obama who was allegedly 7 and 14-years of age when the films were released in theaters. That being said, many people believe that Obama far is younger than purported and therefore the release of “Rosemary’s Baby” in 1968 may be cinematic tribute to the actual birth of Obama via the Virgin (Rose)-Mary. Anung Un Rama, also known as Hellboy (1993), is a popular comic book and film which features the son of the Devil. Destined as an Antichrist figure, Anung Un Rama is given an oversized right hand of stone in order to unleash great evil upon the world. Similar to the aforementioned Armilus, the name “Rama” (R+M) is a titular tribute (both words share the same consonants.) to “Rome” (R+M) which is ultimately responsible for the creation of the Anti-Christ (i.e., Obama) and the impending destruction of the Earth as we know it. Lastly, in the television miniseries entitled “The Bible” (2013), Obama is clearly depicted as Satan (see above photo) which was premeditatively done in order to foreshadow the Obama is the Anti-Christ, the son of Satan.

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9.4: Anti-Christ Obama Propaganda & Programming
Although there are literally tens-of-thousands of articles claiming that Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ, the following sample is sufficive in showing that there is coordinated effort by the CIA and their respective minions in politics and media to psychologically program the masses for the eventual revelation that Obama is indeed the Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible. Aside from the website “AntiChristObama2016.webs.com”, which claims that on June 6, 2016 (i.e., “666”) the identity of the Anti-Christ will be revealed to the entire world, the Obama-Anti-Christ narrative was first identified back on August 11, 2008, when Republican Senator John McCain released a television ad during the 2008 U.S. Presidential Election entitled “The One” (see video) which painted Obama as an Anti-Christ-like figure. Four days later on August 15, 2008, Raw Story published a report entitled “’Obama the Anti-Christ?’ CNN Actually Asks” which highlighted the aforementioned McCain ad along with the headline “Obama the Antichrist?”. Approximately 2-months later on October 28, 2008, comedian and political commentator Victoria Jackson reportedly stated that “Obama bears traits that resemble the Anti-Christ”. Roughly a month later on November 19, 2008, the Chicago-Tribune published a report entitled “Obama Not the Antichrist, Debunker Finds” which was designed to associate Obama with the notion of the Anti-Christ. Roughly 4-months later on February 25, 2009, Jon Stewart of the Daily Show aired a special entitled “Is Obama Hitler or the Antichrist?” which was designed to raise the specter that Obama may be the Anti-Christ. The controversial special was subsequently highlighted by a Huffington Post report entitled “Is Obama Hitler or the Antichrist? Those are the Only Two Options”. Almost 3-months later on February 20, 2009, the Hollywood propaganda film “Antichrist” (2009) premiered in theaters, exactly one month after Obama took office. Although the film has nothing to do with the Anti-Christ per se, its timing and title cannot be ignored. Approximately 6-months later on August 4, 2009, WND published a report entitled “Obama: Foreshadowing of the Antichrist?” which highlighted the new book “The Islamic Anti-Christ” (2009) by Joel Richardson (Obama is alleged to be a secret Muslim). A day later on August 5, 2009, WMD published a report entitled “What Obama and the Antichrist Have in Common” which claimed that wealth distribution by Obama is a sign that he is indeed the Anti-Christ. Roughly a month later on September 16, 2009, a poll was released which claimed that 33% of conservatives in New Jersey think that Obama “could” be the Anti-Christ while 18% of self-identified conservatives believe that Obama “is” the Anti-Christ. Nine days later on September 25, 2009, The Guardian published a report entitled “Anticipating the Antichrist” which predictably referenced Obama numerous times. Approximately 8-months later on May 24, 2010, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “So President Obama May be the Anti-Christ. Big Deal” which concluded with the words “…just in case Obama is the Anti-Christ”. Roughly a year later on May 15, 2011, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “Heaven to Earth: Obama Is Not the Antichrist!” which essentially labeled those who believe Obama is the Anti-Christ as domestic terrorists. Ten days later on May 25, 2011, the Huffington Post published a report entitled “Obama as the Anti Christ?” which highlighted the fact that Americans now believe that “Obama [is the] incarnation of the Anti-Christ”. Roughly 6-months later on November 11, 2011, domestic terrorist Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez allegedly attacked the White House, claiming that Obama was “the Anti-Christ”. Needless to say, the incident was staged in order to highlight the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ on an international level. A week later on November 18, 2011, The Guardian published a report entitled “‘Obama the Antichrist’ and End-Times Doctrine” which highlighted the claim by Ortega-Hernandez that Obama was the Anti-Christ. Less than a year later on November 11, 2012, Texas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffress stated that “President Obama is not the Antichrist” but is “paving the way for the future reign of the Antichrist”. Needless to say, the statement by Jeffress was designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ within the Christian community. Aside from creating the now defunct website entitled “BeastObama.com”, the state-sponsored Westboro Baptist Church held an “Obama Anti-Christ” rally during Obama’s second inauguration in Washington, D.C. on January 21, 2013. Numerous protesters reportedly held signs depicting Obama as the Anti-Christ. Roughly 3-months later on April 2, 2013, a poll by Public Policy Polling found that 13% of Americans believe Obama “is” the Anti-Christ, and that 25% of Americans believe Obama “may” be the Anti-Christ. Ten months later on February 18, 2014, TIME magazine published a report entitled “After Obama Uproar, Satan Removed from ‘Bible’ Movie” which highlighted the aforementioned television miniseries entitled “The Bible” (2013) in which Obama is clearly depicted as Satan which most people correctly or incorrectly equate with being the Anti-Christ. Approximately 8-months later on October 25, 2014, it was reported that Fox News repeatedly hosted Pastor Jeffress who previously stated that Obama is “…paving the way for the future reign of the Anti-Christ”. Less than 4-months later on February 16, 2015, the Lexington Dispatch of North Carolina printed and then retracted a story with a headline claiming that Obama was the Anti-Christ. Needless to say, the printing and subsequent retraction was a publicity stunt designed to highlight the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ on an international level. Approximately 2-months later on April 25, 2015, Obama joked about being the Anti-Christ when he stated at the White House Correspondents Dinner that “Michele Bachmann actually predicted I would bring about the Biblical end of days. Now that’s a legacy — that’s big. I mean, Lincoln, Washington — they didn’t do that”.  Roughly 4-months later on August 7, 2015, Charisma News published a report entitled “Why so Many People Think Obama is the Antichrist” which was evidently designed to sell the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ, especially within the Christian community. Lastly, on March 7, 2016, the new television series entitled “Damien” premiered on the A&E network. Based on the aforementioned film entitled “The Omen” (1976), the television show is about a young many whose discovers that he is indeed the Anti-Christ. Needless to say, these various forms of propaganda and programming, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there has been a concerted effort by the CIA and their collective minions in media and politics to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ.

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9.5: False-Messiah Obama Propaganda
As evidenced, Barack Hussein Obama II is now being touted in various forms of propaganda as the dreaded Anti-Christ (i.e., the “False Messiah”) as depicted in the Holy Bible. Aside from the website entitled “Is Barack Obama the Messiah?” (which is coincidentally registered in Switzerland where Obama was evidently born and raised), there are numerous claims that Obama is God, Jesus and the Messiah which is exactly what the Bible states that the Anti-Christ will be heralded as. The Obama-False-Messiah narrative was first identified back on November 22, 2010, when Newsweek published a magazine featuring Obama as the Hindu deity Shiva (the god of destruction) along with the words “The God of All Things” (see above photo). Roughly 16-months later on March of 2012, Mark F. Bozzuti-Jones published a book entitled “The Gospel of Barack Hussein Obama According to Mark” (2012) which claims that Obama is a unique and important manifestation of God’s desire for human flourishing. An excerpt from the book states that “there came the fulfillment of the hopes and dreams of centuries: Barack Hussein Obama, born of a virgin, young in age…And the child they had was given the name That One, the Blessing, the One who Confronts and wins the victory: Barack Hussein Obama, a Blessing for all peoples”. Approximately 6-months later on September 2, 2012, it was reported that James Hickman’s “Keep the Dream” calendar featuring Obama as “Heaven Sent” (see above photo) was sold on the streets of the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. Roughly 3-weeks later on September 24, 2012, Fox News published a report entitled “Artwork Likens Obama to Jesus” which revealed that street vendors in Charlotte were selling posters and artwork depicting Obama as Jesus Christ. One poster featured an image of Obama in prayer with the headline, “Prophecy Fulfilled” (see above photo). The poster stated that the name “Barak” is of Hebrew origin meaning “flash of lightning”, referencing a passage in the Old Testament book of Judges. Approximately 3-months later in January of 2013, Foreign Policy magazine published a magazine in which Obama was featured on the cover with the words “The Second Coming”, a messianic reference evidently designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the False-Messiah (i.e., the Anti-Christ). Lastly, a few weeks later on January 18, 2013, Newsweek published a magazine in which Obama was featured on the cover along with the words “The Second Coming”, another messianic reference evidently designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the False-Messiah. Needless to say, these Christ-like depictions of Obama confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that Obama is the “False-Messiah” (i.e., the Anti-Christ) as depicted in the Holy Bible.

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9.6: Jesus Christ Obama
As evidenced, there has been a coordinated premeditative effort to cast Barack Hussein Obama II as a Messianic Christ-like figure in order to fulfill Biblical prophecies in respect to the Anti-Christ, otherwise known as the “False Messiah”. Aside from numerous photos depicting Obama in a Jesus-like manner with a halo (see above photo), Obama himself along with scores of CIA minions (e.g., actors, celebrities, directors, musicians, politicians, reporters, etc.) have made sacrilegious comments which in essence claim that Obama is a Jesus Christ-like figure who has been sent to Earth to save humanity. The Obama-Jesus narrative was first identified back on December 11, 2006, when Slate magazine quoted Brenda Bladen who stated in respect to Obama that “I’m not comparing him to Jesus Christ but…”. Roughly 4-months later in the April 2007 issue of Vogue magazine, it was revealed that when actor Morgan Freeman greeted then Senator Obama, Obama stated that “This guy was God before I was”. Approximately 5-months later on September 9, 2007, Congressman and Black Panther Bill L. Rush reportedly stated that Obama’s election to the U.S. Senate was “divinely ordered” and that it “was God’s plan”. A month later on October 8, 2007, Obama reportedly stated in a speech that, “I just want all of you to pray that I can be an instrument of God in the same way that Pastor Ron and all of you are instruments of God…I am confident that we can create a Kingdom right here on Earth”. Two months later on December 9, 2007, television host Oprah Winfrey reportedly stated that “We’re here to evolve to a higher plane…[Obama] is an evolved leader…[He] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth”. Less than 2-weeks later on December 22, 2007, former Congressman Gerald Campbell reportedly stated that “Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind”. Roughly 2-weeks later on January 4, 2008, an excerpt from Washington Post reporter Ezra Klein’s book entitled “Obama’s Gift” (2008) was published which stated that “[Obama] is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh…Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves”. Three days later on January 7, 2008, Obama reportedly stated in a speech that “… a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany…and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama”. Approximately a month later on February 5, 2008, the New York Observer quoted MSNBC host Chris Matthews stated who stated that, “[Obama] comes along, and he seems to have the answers. This is the New Testament. This is surprising”. Roughly a week later on February 13, 2008, former Congressman and diplomat Gary Hart reportedly stated that Obama “…is not operating on the same plane as ordinary politicians” and that he is “the agent of transformation in an age of revolution, as a figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the 21st century”. Ten days later on February 23, 2008, New Hope Church Pastor John Van Sloten reportedly stated in respect to Obama that “…God is trying to make a statement in 2008 through the meteoric rise of a new symbol — a charismatic, eloquent senator from Illinois who is turning conventional American politics on its head?”. A day later on February 24, 2008, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan reportedly stated that Obama is the “hope of the entire world” and that “A black man with a white mother became a Savior to us”. Less than a month later on March 21, 2008, Chicago-Sun Times reporter Lyn Sweet reportedly stated that “Obama, to me, must be not just an ordinary human being but indeed an Advanced Soul, come to lead America out of this mess”. Ten days later on March 31, 2008, the Journal Gazette & Times Courier published a report entitled, “Barack’s Appeal Is Actually Messianic” which featured  letter by Stevie Davis which stated that “Barack’s appeal is actually messianic, it’s something about his aura, his spirit, his soul, that exudes enlightenment in the making…He is one of those individuals who communicates God-like energy (metaphorically speaking), in whom you can “feel” God…I’m taking a special look at Barack Obama because he’s a lot closer to a Jesus-type than the other candidates, by quite a bit. What if God decided to incarnate as men preaching “hope and change.” And what if we didn’t recognize them, because we are so dull, and let them slip away, not availing ourselves of the opportunity to be led by God! Lord knows we’ve elected the anti-Christ often enough”. Less than a month later on April 26, 2008, the Daily Kos published a report which stated that, “some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey”, insinuating that God is personally guiding Obama. Roughly a month later on June 3, 2008, Obama reportedly stated in his Democratic nomination victory speech that, “This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal”, a Biblical-like reference. Two days later on June 5, 2008, Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. reportedly stated that “What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history…The event itself is so extraordinary that another chapter could be added to the Bible to chronicle its significance”. A day later on June 6, 2008, San Francisco Chronicle reporter Mark Morford reportedly stated that Obama is “a Lightworker – an attuned being with powerful luminosity and high-vibration integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being”. Approximately 3-weeks later on June 27, 2008, Indian politician Dinesh Sharma reportedly stated that “Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama”. Less than 2-weeks later on July 10, 2008, film director Spike Lee reportedly stated “You’ll have to measure time by “Before Obama” and “After Obama”, implying that Obama is Christ whose birth is the alleged reason for the transition from the B.C. era to the A.D. era. Roughly a month later on August 7, 2008, U.S. News and World Report published a report entitled “One Nation, Under a New Obama Salute”, a reference to the U.S. Pledge of Allegiance which includes the phrase “One Nation under God”. Approximately 2-months later on October 9, 2008, WND published a report entitled “Farrakhan on Obama: ‘The Messiah is Absolutely Speaking’” in which the Nation of Islam leader proclaimed in respect to Obama that “When the Messiah speaks, the youth will hear, and the Messiah is absolutely speaking”. Farrakhan also stated that “Barack Obama to me, is a herald of the Messiah”. Less than 2-months later on November 29, 2008, the Dean of the Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College, Lawrence Carter, reportedly stated in respect to Obama that “No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don’t expect, like Jesus being born in a manger”. Two months later on January 24, 2009, artist Matthew J. Clark reportedly paraded a sculpture of Obama riding a donkey in front of the Iowa State Capitol Building. The scene was eerily reminiscent of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem as foretold by the prophet Zechariah in Matthew 21:5 which states, “…Behold, thy King cometh unto thee, meek, and sitting upon an ass…”. Roughly 11-months later on December 28, 2009, the Danish newspaper entitled Politiken published a report entitled “Obama Greater than Jesus” which stated that Obama was the “practical Savior of our times”. Roughly 14-months later on February 5, 2011, leadership and life coach Eve Konstantine reportedly stated that, “Barack Obama is our collective representation of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our deepest knowings…He’s our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence”. Approximately 2-months later on March 29, 2011, radio host Rush Limbaugh reportedly stated that Obama “believes that he is the 12th Iman”. The 12th Iman is known in Islamic eschatology as Muhammad ibn Hasan al-Mahdī who is believed by Muslims to be the Mahdī, an ultimate savior of humankind who will emerge with Isa (Jesus Christ) in order to fulfill their mission of bringing peace and justice to the world. Less than a year later on April 17, 2012, First Lady Michelle Obama reportedly stated, “We have an amazing story to tell…[Obama] has brought us out of the dark and into the light”, another blatant Messianic reference. Approximately 7-months later on November 27, 2012, actor and musician Jamie Foxx reportedly stated that Obama was “Our Lord and Savior”. Lastly, 19-months later on June 24, 2014, Politico reported Glenn Thrush reportedly stated that “God sent us Barack Obama”. Needless to say, these statements, taken collectively, confirm that there has been a premeditative and coordinated effort to cast Obama as a Christ-like figure specifically in order to fulfill Biblical prophecies in respect to the False-Messiah, otherwise known as the Anti-Christ.


9.7: “The Truth” by Michael D’Antuono
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the False-Messiah (i.e., Anto-Christ) as depicted in the Holy Bible, he is portrayed as Jesus in the 2009 painting entitled “The Truth” by Michael D’Antuono. The controversial painting depicts Obama being crucified in a Jesus Christ-like manner with his arms outstretched, wearing a crown of thorns upon his head upon the backdrop of the Seal of the President of the United States. The title of the painting also has a Messianic theme as Jesus stated in John 14:6 that “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me”. As detailed in the April 25, 2009 report from WMD entitled “100 Days in Office, Obama Coronated as Messiah”, the painting was scheduled to be revealed at Union Square in New York City on April 29, 2009, Obama’s 100th day in office. However, due to an apparently contrived outrage by the so-called Religious-Right, the art exhibit was unceremonially canceled. The scheduled premier and subsequent cancellation was evidently a publicity stunt designed to garner unprecedented media attention to to the controversial painting. Roughly 3-years later, D’Antuono finally displayed “The Truth” along with several other paintings at Bunker Hill Community College Art Gallery in Boston, Massachusetts as part of their “Artists on the Stump – the Road to the White House 2012″ exhibition. Although many have accused him of comparing Obama to Christ, D’Antuono claims that “the crucifixion of the president was meant metaphorically” and that his “intent was not to compare [Obama] to Jesus”. Needless to say, D’Antunono is being disingenuous at best as painting Obama being crucified in a Christ-like manner with a crown of thorns can have no other meaning. P.J. Gladnick of NewsBusters reiterated this notion stating that “The artist quite clearly portrays Obama as a latter day Christ-like figure, considering the outstretched arms and the crown of thorns”.

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9.8: Obama: Born of a Virgin
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ (i.e., the “False Messiah”) as depicted in the Holy Bible, there are numerous claims that he was actually born of a virgin. The notion that the Anti-Christ will be born of a virgin is found in Jewish eschatology which states that Armilus (i.e., the Anti-Messiah) will be the offspring of Satan and a virgin. Because Obama is evidently a hybrid descendant of Septimius Severus, the first African Roman Emperor, and the late American civil rights leader Malcom X, it’s theoretically possibly that he was actually born to a virgin who was artificially inseminated. The notion that Anti-Christ will be born of a virgin named Mary was foreshadowed in the aforementioned film “Rosemary’s Baby” (1968) which features a woman who gives birth to the Anti-Christ that is destined to rule over and ultimately destroy the world. The title of “Rosemary’s Baby” (i.e., Rose-Mary’s Baby) appears to be cinematic tribute to the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. In the film, however, Rosemary bears the Anti-Christ instead of Jesus. Similar to Obama’s alleged mother Ann Dunham, the mother of the Anti-Christ in the film is of Caucasian decent (i.e., “white”). Interestingly, Dunham allegedly died over uterine cancer at age 52, an ominous sign that her toxic uterus spawned the deadly Anti-Christ now identified as Obama. That being said, it’s highly unlikely that Dunham actually gave birth to Obama. In all likelihood, the virgin (who may have actually been named Mary) was most killed in a Roman-Jewish blood sacrifice shortly after she gave birth to Obama in Switzerland. Roughly 44-years after the aforementioned film, Mark F. Bozzuti-Jones published a book on March 20, 2012, entitled “The Gospel of Barack Hussein Obama According to Mark” (2012). An excerpt from the book states:  “…there came the fulfillment of the hopes and dreams of centuries: Barack Hussein Obama, born of a virgin, young in age. The virgin’s name was Ann. And the man she was betrothed to was from the east of Africa. And the child they had was given the name That One, the Blessing, the One who Confronts and wins the victory: Barack Hussein Obama, a Blessing for all peoples”. Needless to say, Bozzuti-Jones’s depiction of Obama is eerily reminiscent of the Jesus story within the Holy Bible. The notion that Obama was born of a virgin was also foreshadowed some 8-months later on November 12, 2012, when Obama was featured in an Italian nativity scene along with Jesus, Joseph and Mary. Lastly, in order to sell the notion that the virgin-born Jesus was of African descent like Obama, the television series entitled “Black Jesus” (2014) premiered on August 7, 2014.

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9.9: Beast Obama Programming & Propaganda
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible, there are scores of articles, photos and reports portraying him as the Devil and linking him to “The Beast” as described in the Book of Revelation. According to the Bible, the First Beast comes “out of the sea” and is given authority and power by the Second Beast, the Dragon, who comes “out of the earth”. The Second Beast is described in Revelation 13:11-18 as the False Prophet” (i.e., the Anti-Christ). Consequently, if Obama is the Anti-Christ as alleged then it can be deduced that he is also the Second Beast. The word “Beast” is mentioned 44 times in its singular form within the Book of Revelation and Obama is coincidentally the 44th President of the United States. The theologian Hippolytus of Rome (c. 170-c. 236) identified the Anti-Christ with “The Beast” from the Book of Revelation, stating that “By the beast, then, coming up out of the earth, he means the kingdom of Antichrist; and by the two horns he means him and the false prophet after him”. As evidenced, Obama has made “Devils Horns” with the left hand, right hand, and with both hands on countless occasions. Obama has also been photographed numerous times with Devil-like horns (see above photo) which were designed to foreshadow that Obama is “The Beast” (i.e., the Anti-Christ) as prophesized by the Book of Revelation. The Obama-Beast narrative was first identified back on December 29, 2008, when TIME magazine published their “Person of the Year” issue featuring Obama. The letter “M” in “TIME” served as two Devil’s horns on Obama’s head (see above photo), subliminally foreshadowing the notion that Obama is “The Beast”. Roughly 5-years later on October 7, 2013, the Blaze published a report entitled “Is this a Photo of Obama with Horns or Wings” which featured a photo of Obama with what could only be construed as Devil’s horns. Approximately 9-months later on July 10, 2014, Raw Story published a report entitled “End-Times Broadcaster Tells Viewer: Yes, Obamacare is Readying Us for Mark of the Beast”, further associating Obama with both “The Beast” and the “End Times” which is when “The Beast” will be revealed. Roughly 2-months later on September 13, 2014, a second photo of Obama with Devil’s horns was published, further foreshadowing the notion that Obama is “The Beast”. Just over a year later on September 25, 2015, a third photo of Obama with Devil’s horns was published, further selling the notion that Obama is “The Beast”. Lastly, in order to popularize the name of “The Beast” on an international level during the dawn of the Obama presidency, Hollywood (at the behest of the CIA) created a “crime drama” series entitled the “The Beast” (2009) starring Patrick Swayze and Peter Lafferty. Needless to say, the aforementioned photos, reports and television shows taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there is a concerted effort by the CIA to associate Obama with the “The Beast” in order to foreshadow the notion that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ.


9.10: “The Beast”: Obama’s Motorcade
In order to foreshadow that Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible, Obama’s Cadillac motorcade was officially entitled “The Beast” in 2009. Since then, there have been at least three publicity stunts designed to highlight the “The Beast” on international level in a premeditative attempt to foreshadow that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ. The first CIA-spawned publicity stunt involving “The Beast” occurred back on May 23, 2011, when “The Beast” reportedly bottomed out and got stuck in Ireland. Roughly a year later on March 13, 2012, it was reported that “The Beast” “did not get stuck” on a Dublin ramp as alleged, confirming that the initial report from 2011 was fraudulent and nature as is typical of publicity stunts. The second CIA-spawned publicity stunt involving “The Beast” occurred roughly a year later on March 20, 2013, when “The Beast” reportedly broke down while Obama was in Israel. Although “The Beast” was subsequently towed, the veracity of the alleged mechanical failure cannot be substantiated. The third publicity stunt involving “The Beast” transpired roughly 3-years later on January 1, 2016, when Obama took actor and comedian Jerry Seinfeld for cruise in “The Beast” for a web show. Three weeks later on January 22, 2016, CNS News published a report entitled “Obama: ‘I Am Saying Goodbye to the Beast’”, further associating Obama with “The Beast” prior to his declaration that he is indeed the Anti-Christ. Lastly, a week later on January 29, 2016 the International Business Times published a report entitled “US Presidential State Car ‘Beast’ Undergoing Secret Tests to be Ready for Obama Successor”, foreshadowing the notion that Obama will eventually succeed in becoming “The Beast” (i.e., the Anti-Christ). Needless to say, these reports and publicity stunts, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there is a premeditative effort by the CIA to associate Obama with “The Beast” in order to foreshadow that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ.

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9.11: 666: The Mark of the Beast
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible, he has been repeatedly linked with the “Mark of the Beast”, otherwise known as “Number of the Beast” (i.e., “666”). Many Biblical scholars and Christians alike subscribe to the notion that the Anti-Christ will force the world to receive the so-called “Mark of the Beast” in order to legally partake in the global economic system. This notion is derived from Revelation 13:17 (KJV) which states that “…no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name”, and from Revelation 20:4 (KJV) which states that the people will receive a “…mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands”. What exactly the so-called “Mark of the Beast” will entail is not yet known, but the implantable RFID microchip has long been the primary suspect. Although a physical mark consisting of a tattoo or RFID microchip was likely the original plan for the “Mark of the Beast”, the political will to forcefully chip all of humanity is definitely lacking. Due to poor technology and the fact that the human body automatically rejects foreign objects, an implantable RFID microchip would cause serious medical complications among its users. That being said, the personal cell phone (e.g., the iPhone or “Eye Phone”) contains a microchip which now appears to be the real so-called “Mark of the Beast” for it tracks and traces all those who dare to use it. This notion is corroborated by the fact that cell phone-based forms of commerce are currently being implemented worldwide (e.g., Android Pay, Apple Pay, Google Wallet, Samsung Pay, etc.). While the world was led to believe that the “Mark of the Beast” was an implantable RFID microchip, it was the personal cell phone and its inherent microchip all along. Since it’s just a matter of time before all commerce is conducted via the personal cell phone, those who refuse to acquiesce will be not be allowed to partake in the global economic system. The notion that the Anti-Christ will deceive the people into taking the “Mark of the Beast” (i.e., the personal cell phone) was prophesized in Revelation 19:20 (KJV) which states that the False Prophet “…deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image”. Back on July 10, 2014, Raw Story published a report entitled “End-Times Broadcaster Tells Viewer: Yes, Obamacare is Readying Us for Mark of the Beast” which was designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is the Anti-Christ who will implement the “Mark of the Beast”. The notion that this scenario is imminent was foreshadowed some 8-months later on March 6, 2015, when Infowars published a report entitled “666”: It Has Begun”. Interestingly, the logo of CERN (which doubles as the entrance to CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva in Switzerland) depicts the number “666”. This is no mistake for CERN is home to the internet which ultimately controls all of the world’s respective cell phones, computers and their inherent microchips. When employing the methods found within the Greek Isopsephy, Jewish Gematria (i.e.,  Algebraic English) the absolute value of “666” equates to “18” whose digital root is “9”. In the Roman-English alphabet, the 18th letter is “R” while in Roman Score (i.e., the Roman alphabet) the 9th symbol is  “Γ” (i.e., the original letter “R”). Since the letter “R” is an acronym for “Rome”, it can be deduced that the number “666” equates to “Rome” which is alive and well in Greenland. Coincidentally, the country of Greenland is geographically shaped like the head of a fox, bear or wolf (i.e., the Beast of Greenland) which is commonly referred to by numerous historical, literary and religious sources as “The Beast“. The letter “G” (i.e., the 7th letter in the Roman-English alphabet) is an acronym for “Greenland” which is why there are exactly 7 verses in the Holy Bible that specifically mention “The Beast” (i.e., Revelation 13:17, Revelation 13:18, Revelation 14:11, Revelation 15:2, Revelation 16:2, Revelation 19:20 and Revelation 20:4). Since the Greco-Roman Empire was founded by “Man” (i.e., Minos of Crete), the number “666” is also representative of the number of “Man” as described in Revelation 13:18 (KJV) which states that the Number of the Beast “…is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six”. In summation, the “Number of the Beast” (i.e., “666”) numerically equates to Rome and the Roman Empire which is now located in Greenland, a country which is physically shaped like the head of a Beast. The Number of the Beast is also representative of “Man”, otherwise known as the Greco-Romans who now live in Greenland. Consequently, the impending economic system featuring the “Mark of the Beast” (i.e., the personal cell phone) is a system created by the Greco-Romans in Greenland which will be implemented in the Underworld by the Anti-Christ who has now been identified as Obama.

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9.12: Obama-666 Programming & Propaganda
Because Barack Hussein Obama II is the Anti-Christ depicted in the Holy Bible, there are scores of articles, photos and reports associating him with the “Number of the Beast” (i.e., “666”). Aside from the fact that Obama’s hometown of Chicago, Illinois contains the ZIP code “60606” (see above photo) which equates to “666” in Jewish Gematria, the name “Barak” first appears in Judges 4:6 which is coincidentally the 6606th verse of the Holy Bible which also equates to “666” in Jewish Gematria. In “Against  Heresies”, the Roman Catholic Bishop Saint Irenaeus (2nd century AD – c. 202) used “666”, the Number of the Beast from Revelation 13:18, to numerologically decode several possible names for the Anti-Christ. Irenaeus’ account confirms, albeit in a de facto manner, that the number “666” as well as the title of the “The Beast” are indicative of the Anti-Christ. Consequently, Obama has been intimately affiliated with the number “666” even prior to becoming President of the United States on January 20, 2009. The Obama-666 narrative was first identified back on October 27, 2008, when The Guardian published a report entitled “Election Revelations: 666 Reasons Not to Vote for Barack Obama”, intimately associating Obama with the number “666”. Nine days later on November 5, 2008, Obama’s home state of Illinois drew the lottery numbers “666” less than 24-hours after Obama was elected president. The lottery numbers were evidently rigged in order to foreshadow the notion that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ as depicted in the Holy Bible. Roughly 8-months later on July 19, 2009, NBC News published a report entitled “Obama 666 Comment Gets Chamber Pres Suspended” which revealed that Southington Chamber of Commerce President Arthur Secondo was suspended without pay for stating in a town council meeting that “…everybody loves this Obama…I think we should check the back of his head to see if he has 666 there, but that is another issue”. Needless to say, Secondo’s comments were part of a CIA-spawned publicity stunt designed to foreshadow the notion that Obama is indeed the Anti-Christ. Approximately 3-years later on September 6, 2012, the satirical Onion published a report entitled “Obama: ‘Help Us Destroy Jesus and Start a New Age of Liberal Darkness’” which stated that Obama was “handed an unbaptized, orphaned newborn baby drenched in the blood of 666 slaughtered Christians”. Two months later on November 29, 2012, so-called vandals reportedly spray-painted “Obama 666” on the walls of two Catholic schools in Dallas, Texas, further linking Obama with the number “666”. Roughly 2-months later on January 23, 2013, CNN published an iReport entitled “Obama Twitter 666. Conspiracy Fears!” which highlighted the fact that Obama’s Twitter follow count was at the number 666,828. Less than 2-years later on February 5, 2015, it was reported that politicians in Washington, D.C. changed the bill number 666 so that people could “focus on the contents” of the bill rather than the number. Considering that there are two other bills in Congress with the number “666” (i.e., H.R. 666 in the 112th Congress and H.R. 666 in the 113th Congress), the bill number change appears to be a publicity stunt designed to draw unprecedented media attention to the number “666” just prior to Obama declaring himself the Anti-Christ. Roughly 3-weeks later on February 24, 2015, CNS News published a report entitled “Debt Up $6.666 Trillion Under Obama”, further associating Obama with the number “666”. Lastly, in order to popularize the name of “The Beast” on an international level during the Obama presidency, Hollywood (at the behest of the CIA) created a drama entitled “666 Park Avenue” (2013-2014) which aired on ABC network. Needless to say, these publicity stunts, reports and televisions shows, taken collectively, confirm, albeit in a de facto manner, that there is a concerted effort by the CIA to associate Obama with the number “666” in order to foreshadow that he is the Anti-Christ.

The latter was an excerpt from “OBAMA 666: WILL AMERICA’S FIRST DICTATOR PLEASE STAND UP?” (2016), a new book by whistle-blower journalist David Chase Taylor. Please access the individual chapters below. 




David Chase Taylor is a blacklisted American journalist and the editor-in-chief of 911Truther.org, the World’s #1 whistle-blower website (Taylor’s original website Truther.org was hijacked by the CIA and held for ransom in 2017, hence the change in web address). Because Taylor’s blog 911Truther.org is the single-most popular alternative news website on the internet, it is repeatedly hacked and censored by the CIA and their countless bots. Naturally therefore, Taylor has been denied an official Wikipedia page since 2011. That being said, due to Taylor’s rising popularity, the CIA was forced to give Taylor an Everybody Wiki page and Truther.org a RationalWiki page which legally-speaking constitutes as defamation, libel and slander which is defined as, ‘the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation’. Although Taylor currently lives at an undisclosed location, he officially applied for political asylum in Switzerland back on July 17, 2015, after publishing The Nuclear Bible (2011), a book which foiled a nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Despite preventing World War III, Taylor was inexplicably denied political asylum in Switzerland by the Bundesgericht (i.e., the Supreme Court of Switzerland) because Switzerland harbors the one and only CIA whose secret headquarters lie beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland. Taylor has also authored The Bio-Terror Bible (2012), which exposes the impending global biological pandemic, ObamaCSI (2012), which prevented a false-flag assassination ‘event’ targeting Barack Hussein Obama designed to give him the ‘deadly wound’ as depicted in Revelation 13:3, and Greenland Theory (2014), which exposes the true power structure of the World, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland.


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