CERN/INTERNET TERROR ALERT (FEB 17, 2017): Geneva-Based CIA Likely Plotting February 17-24, 2017, Cyber and/or Real-World-Related Attack on CERN (Internet Ground Zero) in Geneva, Switzerland, Electrical Power Grids and/or Internet-Related Infrastructure

Posted: February 17, 2017 in Breaking News


AUTHOR’S NOTE: Because I, David Chase Taylor, officially applied for political asylum in Switzerland on July 17, 2015, the state-sponsored terror plots and so-called “natural disasters” I expose rarely come to fruition. In short, the Swiss CIA does not want to afford me any more credibility or publicity than they have to, lest they turn me into a modern-day prophet. They also do not want to provide yet another open-and-shut case as to why I deserve political asylum. For those wondering why I would apply for political asylum in Switzerland, know this: a) I originally applied for asylum in Switzerland on March 8, 2011, roughly 2-years before I discovered that Switzerland was harboring the CIA; and b) the CIA has historically not shat where it eats in Switzerland. That being said, the CIA has now been exposed for the first time in history. Consequently, they are extremely desperate and may assassinate me Switzerland.

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David Chase Taylor
Febraury 17, 2017

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Unable to execute a real-world attack on CERN (home of the internet), it now appears that CIA Headquarters beneath Lake Geneva is plotting a cyber-related attack on CERN, internet infrastructure and/or the power grid in order to take down the internet especially in Switzerland and/or the U.S.

Since is posting real-time terror alerts on an almost hourly basis, the impending space-based hoax is designed to give the CIA ample time to stage the unprecedented attacks which thus far they have not been able to execute. In other words, since they’re losing on the internet, they’re simply going to take it down.

In order to foreshadow the notion that state-sponsored attacks on the electrical/power grid are imminent, USA Today published a report on June 5, 2016, entitled “An Attack on the Grid? Power Execs Push Back on Koppel Claims“.

In short, news anchor Ted Koppel published a book in 2015 entitled “Lights Out: A Cyberattack, A Nation Unprepared, Surviving the Aftermath” which predicted a devastating cyberattack on the U.S. power grid. Needless to say, life is about to imitate art.

In order to set a timely precedent for a cyber-related attack on the power grid (and thereby the internet) in Switzerland or elsewhere, it was reported on January 26, 2016, that the state of Israel suffered a massive cyber-related attack on it’s electrical grid, resulting in a prolonged blackout.

In order to set a timely precedent for a cyber-related attack on the power grid (and thereby the internet) in Switzerland or elsewhere, it was reported on Feburary 15, 2016, that a so-called outgage at Comcast, one of the largest internet providers in the United States, angered thousand of customers.

Back on December 23, 2014, the county of North Korea allegedly lost its internet due to a cyber-related attack. Since the attack came hours after President Obama called for a “proportional response” to cyber-attacks on Sony Pictures, it can be deduced that the hack was state-sponsored in nature. Consequently, a redux attackon the internet is expected.

In the aftermath of the cyber-attack that takes down the internet for at least 48-hours, the Swiss government will most likely blame Anonymous, China, Iran, North Korea and/or Russia. That being said, the CIA could also create another hacking group or blame another rouge country.

Power Grid Terror Trending 
As depicted in the August 16, 2013, New York Times report entitled “As Worries Over The Power Grid Rise, A Drill Will Simulate A Knockout Blow”, electricity companies have been drilling for massive blackouts. More recently, on March 24, 2015, USA Today published a report entitled “Bracing for a Big Power Grid Attack: ‘One is Too Many’”, confirming, albeit in a de facto manner, that a cyber and/or real world attack on the power grid is imminent. Lastly, the Washington Examiner published a report on April 21, 2015, entitled “DOE Warns ‘Modern Life’ Threatened by Terror, Climate Threats to Electric Grid”. The headlines consummated the terms “Terror” and “Electrical Grid” which suggests that a state-sponsored cyber-terror attack on American’s electrical grid is imminent.

Blackout Terror Trending
Prior to a high-profile cyber-related-related attack on the internet and/or power grid, the world must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Fraudulent headlines and/or fabricated events are a slick way of convincing people that yes, it can happen. As evidenced electricity-related terror is now at an all-time high which suggests that a state-sponsored terror electricity-related attack is imminent.


1. November 2, 2014: Country-wide blackout in Bangladesh after power grid collapses.
2. December 2, 2014: Detroit goes dark after a massive power outage
3. March 27, 2015: Major Power Outage in Amsterdam Halts Trains, Hits Flights
4. March 31, 2015: Nationwide blackout throws Turkey into chaos
5. April 7, 2015: Power loss hits Washington, DC: Government left in dark

[Does not purport to be a complete list of backouts]


“GridEx II” Power Grid Cyber-Attack Drill
Considering that back on November 13-15, 2013, a massive power grid terror drill entitled “GridEx II” was executed on the East Coast of America, it’s highly likely that the CIA will use a cyber-related attack to take down the internet and/or power grid, possibly for good. According to the August 16, 2013, a New York Times report entitled “As Worries Over The Power Grid Rise, A Drill Will Simulate A Knockout Blow” was published which stated that “the electric grid, as government and private experts describe it, is the glass jaw of American industry. If an adversary lands a knockout blow, they fear, it could black out vast areas of the continent for weeks; interrupt supplies of water, gasoline, diesel fuel and fresh food; shut down communications; and create disruptions of a scale that was only hinted at by Hurricane Sandy and the attacks of Sept. 11”. According to the report, “Thousands of utility workers, business executives, National Guard officers, F.B.I. antiterrorism experts and officials from government agencies in the United States, Canada and Mexico are preparing for an emergency drill in November that will simulate physical attacks and cyber-attacks that could take down large sections of the power grid. They will practice for a crisis unlike anything the real grid has ever seen, and more than 150 companies and organizations have signed up to participate.”

About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of, a state-sponsored terror whistle-blower website. Taylor currently lives in Switzerland where he applied for political asylum on July 17, 2015. Taylor authored The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011, and Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is coincidentally home to the CIA. Taylor has also published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the Terrorgate Scandal, the 2014 Memorial Day Massacre, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2015, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing was a hoax.

READ: World’s ‘Most Wanted’ Whistle-Blower Journalist David Chase Taylor Applies for Political Asylum in Switzerland Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed, it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State-sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste


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