OPERATION PROJECT EXODUS: CIA PLOTTING JUNE 24, 2024, MADE-FOR-TV ALEX JONES AND/OR AMERICAN DOMESTIC VIOLENT EXTREMIST (E.G., ANTI-SEMITE, CHRISTIAN FUNDAMENTALIST, CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST, BUNDY MILITIA, NEO-NAZI, KU KLUX KLAN, OATH KEEPERS, PATRIOT FRONT, PROUD BOYS, QANON, STORM FRONT, THE BASE, WHITE SUPREMACIST, ETC.)-BASED HIGH FATALITY AND/OR HIGH VICTIM COUNT MASS SHOOTING ATTACKS TARGETING ABORTION-RELATED ENTITIES AND/OR PERSONNEL IN THE UNITED STATES SPECIFICALLY TO SABOTAGE ‘TRUMP 2024’ PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN, GARNER POLITICAL SUPPORT FOR US SENATE PASSAGE OF DRACONIAN ANTI-SECOND AMMENDMENT LEGISLATION ENTITLED ‘H.R. 1808 — ASSAULT WEAPONS BAN OF 2022’ AND/OR TRIGGER SECOND AMERICAN CIVIL WAR OVER RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) ABORTION CLINICS; B) ABORTION DOCTORS; C) ABORTION HOSPITALS; D) ABORTION NURSES; E) ABORTION PATIENTS; F) ABORTION STAFF; G) MORNING-AFTER PILL MANUFACTURES; H) MORNING-AFTER PILL RETAILERS; I) PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINICS; J) PLANNED PARENTHOOD DOCTORS; K) PLANNED PARENTHOOD EMPLOYEES; L) PLANNED PARENTHOOD NURSES; M) PLANNED PARENTHOOD PATIENTS; N) PLANNED PARENTHOOD STAFF; O) PRO-ABORTION ACTIVISTS; P) PRO-ABORTION CHURCHES, PASTORS AND/OR PREACHERS; Q) PRO-ABORTION CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS; R) PRO-ABORTION COLLEGES AND/OR UNIVERSITIES; S) PRO-ABORTION DEMOCRATS; T) PRO-ABORTION GOVERNORS;  U) PRO-ABORTION JUDGES; V) PRO-ABORTION MAYORS; W) PRO-ABORTION MEDIA OUTLETS; X) PRO-ABORTION POLITICIANS; Y) PRO-ABORTION SCHOOLS; AND/OR Z) PRO-ABORTION REPUBLICANS (JUNE 23, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland is Plotting Made-for-TV High Fatality and/or High Victim Count Mass Shooting Attacks Targeting Abortion-Related Entities and/or Personnel in the United States on June 24, 2024, Exactly 468-Days After ‘The Hill’ Published Propaganda Report Entitled, ‘Anti-Abortion Violence is the Next Wave of Domestic Terrorism’ Back on January 26, 2023, Exactly 649-Days After the US House of Representatives Voted to Pass ‘H.R.1808 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2022’ Back on July 29, 2022, Exactly 670-Days After ‘TIME’ Magazine Published Report Entitled, ‘Armed Demonstrators and Far-Right Groups Are Escalating Tensions at Abortion Protests’, Back on July 8, 2022, Exactly 684-Days After the United States Supreme Court Officially Overturned ‘Roe v. Wade’ Abortion Decision Back on June 24, 2022, Exactly 1,154-Days After ‘H.R.1808 – Assault Weapons Ban of 2022’ was First Introduced by Democratic Congressman David N. Cicilline of Rhode Island Back on March 11, 2021, Exactly 3,085-Days After CIA Staged Mass Shooting Attack Targeting Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado Back on November 27, 2015, Exactly 5,179-Days After ‘USA Today’ Published Report Entitled ‘Louisiana Sheriff Trains Volunteers for ‘Project Exodus’ to Combat Terrorism’ Which Revealed that ‘Project Exodus’ Consists of ‘a Mostly White Group of Ex-Police Volunteers’ and ‘.50-caliber Machine Gun’ (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on March 4, 2010, Exactly 5,462-Days After the CIA Assassinated Exodus Tyson (i.e., Daughter of Boxer Mike Tyson) Under the Guise of a Asphyxiation-Based Treadmill Accident in Phoenix, Arizona (Which Appears to be Ritualistic Blood Sacrifice Offered Up to Impending Project Exodus Attack) Back on May 25, 2009, Exactly 8,332-Days After CIA Staged Fatal Mass Shooting Attack Targeting Abortion Clinic in Melbourne, Australia Back on July 16, 2001, & Exactly 18,734-Days After Landmark Abortion Case Entitled ‘Roe v. Wade’ (i.e., 410 U.S. 113) was Decided by the US Supreme Court (Thereby Legalizing Abortion in America) Back on January 22, 1973, & Exactly 38,286-Days After Planned Parenthood was Founded Back on October 16, 1916

Posted: June 23, 2024 in Breaking News

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