OPERATION BLACK STANDARD (LEBANON): CIA PLOTTING JULY 1, 2024, MADE-FOR-TV IRAN AND/OR RUSSIA-BACKED ISLAMIC TERROR GROUP (E.G., AL-QAEDA, HAMAS, HEZBOLLAH, ISIS, ISIS-K, TALIBAN, ETC.)-BASED STORMING & CBRN ATTACK TARGETING LEBANESE PRIME MINISTER NAJIB MIKATI, BEIRUT AND/OR GREATER LEBANON (LIKELY COURTESY OF THE 1,700 82ND AIRBORNE TROOPS CURRENTLY STATIONED IN JASIONKA, POLAND WHOSE SLOGAN IS ‘DEATH FROM ABOVE’) SPECIFICALLY TO: A) ASSASSINATE ASSAD (LIKELY IN RITUALISTIC BLOOD SACRIFICE); B) ESCALTE STAGNANT SYRIAN CIVIL WAR; C) SPAWN SECOND GLOBAL BIOLOGICAL PANDEMIC; AND/OR D) ACTIVATE TOP-SECRET NERVE AGENT SPIT SLATED TO RELEASE CONTINUOUS CLOUD OF BLISTERING & DEADLY NERVE AGENT GAS (E.G., NOVICHOK, SARIN, VX, ETC.) OVER THE SKIES OF THE MIDDLE EAST COURTESY OF NERVE AGENT BLADDER LOCATED BENEATH THE DEAD SEA (I.E., LAKE OF SODOM) ON ISRAELI-JORAN BORDER (JUNE 27, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Made-for-TV Iran and/or Russia-Backed Islamic Terror Group-Based Storming Attack Targeting Najib Mikati, Beirut and/or Greater Lebanon on July 1, 2024, Exactly 232-Days After CIA Staged Hamas Attack Targeting Israel, Lebanon, Palestine and Syria as Pretext for the 2023 Israel–Hamas War (Which was Specifically Designed to Provide Timely Motive for Impending Attack) Back on October 7, 2023,Exactly 989-Days After Najib Mikati Became Prime Minister of Lebanon of Back on September 10, 2021, Exactly 1,060-Days After the US Military Unceremoniously Handed Back Bagram Airfield-BAF (i.e., Bagram Air Base) to the Government of Afghanistan (Which Inexplicably Granted the Taliban Possession of (4) Lockheed C-130 Hercules Cargo Planes as Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on July 1, 2021, Exactly 1,391-Days After CIA Staged Tanker-Based Nuclear-Like Explosion Attack Targeting Port City of Beirut, Lebanon (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on August 4, 2020, Exactly 1,097-Days After CIA Staged Joint Russian and Serbian Special Forces Military Exercises Featuring ‘200 Special Troops’ Participating in Live Ammunition Shooting and ‘Anti-Terrorist’ Action in Serbia (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on May 25, 2021, Exactly 1,753-Days After CIA Staged CBRN Attack Response Drill Under Guise of Earthquake and Tsunami Exercise Entitled ‘Mighty Waves 2019’ (Which Featured ‘Thousands Dead, Over 100,000 Injured, Hospitals Destroyed & National Infrastructure in Shambles’) Off the Coast of Israel Back on August 4-8, 2019, Exactly 3,984-Days After CIA Founded ISIS as Logistics Cover for CBRN-Related Attacks Back on June 29, 2013, Exactly 4,601-Days After CIA Staged Islamic Terrorist Mob-Based Torture and Subsequent Shooting Assassination of Libyan Head of State Muammar Gaddafi in Sirte, Libya Back on October 20, 2011, Exactly 6,356-Days After CIA Staged Islamic Terrorist Mob-Based Torture and Subsequent Lynching Assassination of Iraqi Head of State Saddam Hussein in Kadhimiya, Baghdad, Iraq Back on December 30, 2006, Exactly 13,509-Days After CIA Assassinated Prime Minister of Lebanon Rashid Karami Under the Guise of Terrorist Bombing Attack in Beirut, Lebanon Back on June 1, 1987, Exactly 14,826-Days After CIA Staged Islamic Terrorist-Based Truck Bombing Attack Targeting US Military Barracks in Beirut, Lebanon Back on October 23, 1983, Exactly 15,985-Days After CIA Staged the Russian ‘Operation Storm-333’ Special Forces-Based Assassination and Coup Attack Targeting the Tajbeg Palace in Kabul, Afghanistan (Which was Specifically Designed to Foreshadow and Set Precedent for Impending Storming Attack) Back on December 27, 1979, & Exactly 25,021-Days After Najib Azmi Mikati was Born in Tripoli, Lebanon Back on November 24, 1955

Posted: June 27, 2024 in Breaking News

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