OPERATION HOUTHI 9/11: CIA PLOTTING JULY 1, 2024, MADE-FOR-TV IRAN-BACKED HOUTHI MILITIA-BASED BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL, NUCLEAR, RADIOLOGICAL AND/OR WEAPONIZED CONTAGION ATTACK (E.G., ANTHRAX, EBOLA, RICIN, SMALLPOX, ETC.)-LADEN 9/11-STYLE AERIAL KAMIKAZE SUICIDE BOMBING ATTACKS TARGETING MULTIPLE LOCATIONS AROUND THE WORLD SPECIFICALLY TO TRIGGER WORLD WAR III (LIKELY TARGETING BELGIUM, CANADA, ENGLAND, FRANCE, ISRAEL, NETHERLANDS, UNITED KINGDOM AND/OR UNITED STATES), INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) AIRCRAFT CARRIERS AND/OR NAVAL VESSELS; B) AIRPORTS; C) BRIDGES; D) CAPITAL BUILDINGS; E) CARGO SHIPS AND/OR TANKER SHIPS; F) CHURCHES, MOSQUES AND/OR SYNAGOGUES; G) CINEMAS AND/OR THEATERS; H) COLLEGES AND/OR UNIVERSITIES; I) CONCERTS AND/OR MUSIC FESTIVALS; J) CONSULATES AND/OR EMBASSIES; K) CRUISE SHIPS; L) DAMS; M) ELECTRICAL GRID AND/OR POWER STATIONS;N) GAS REFINERIES AND/OR OIL REFINERIES; O) HOSPITALS; P) HOTELS AND/OR RESORTS; Q) LIVE SPORTING EVENTS; R) MALLS AND/OR SHOPPING CENTERS; S) MILITARY BASES; T) NATIONAL MONUMENTS; U) NUCLEAR MISSILE SILOS; V) NUCLEAR REACTORS AND/OR NUCLEAR POWER STATIONS; W) PORTS; X) SKYSCRAPERS; Y) TOURIST ATTRACTIONS; AND/OR Z) SPORTS ARENAS AND/OR STADIUMS (JUNE 27, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Iran-Backed Houthi Militia-Based CBRN-Laden 9/11-Style Aerial Kamikaze Suicide Bombing Attacks Multiple Locations Around the World on July 1, 2024, Exactly 191-Days After CIA Staged Alleged Iran-Backed Houthi Militia-Based Terrorist-Based Shootdown of American MQ-9 Drone While Flying Over the Red Sea (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on December 6, 2023, Exactly 201-Days After CIA Staged Iran-Backed Houthi Militia-Based Terrorist-Based Hijacking of Liberian Flagged Cargo Ship Entitled ‘M/V Central Park’ in the Gulf of Aden (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on November 26, 2023, Exactly 219-Days After CIA Staged Alleged Iran-Backed Houthi Militia-Based Terrorist-Based Shootdown of American MQ-9 Drone While Flying Over Territorial Waters of Yemen (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on November 8, 2023, Exactly 239-Days After CIA Staged Ongoing Series of Iran-Backed Houthi Militia-Based Attacks Targeting Ships the Red Sea and Southern Israel Back on October 19, 2023, Exactly 817-Days After CIA Staged Iran-Backed Houthi Militia-Based Drone Attacks Targeting Aramco Oil Facilities Across Saudi Arabia (i.e., Jeddah, Jizan, Najran, Rabigh and Ras Tanura) Back in March 20, 2022, Exactly 826-Days After CIA Staged Iran-Backed Houthi Militia-Based Drone Attacks Targeting Oil Refinery in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Back on March 11, 2022, Exactly 1,772-Days After CIA Staged Houthi Militia-Based CBRN Attack Response Drill Under Guise of Earthquake and Tsunami Exercise Entitled ‘Mighty Waves 2019’ (Which Featured ‘Thousands Dead, Over 100,000 Injured, Hospitals Destroyed & National Infrastructure in Shambles’) Off the Coast of Israel Back on August 4-8, 2019, Exactly 1,810-Days After CIA Staged Arrest of African-Born Al Shabaab Terrorist Cholo Abdi Abdullah in The Philippines for Alleged Role in New 9/11-Style Terror Plot Back on July 1, 2019, Exactly 1,873-Days After CIA Executed Iran-Backed Houthi Militia Attack Drill Targeting ‘Royal Caribbean International’s ‘Spectrum of the Seas’ Cruise Ship While Sailing in the Gulf of Aden (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back April 29, 2019, Exactly 2,129-Days After CIA Staged Bomb Threats Targeting (11) Commercial Airliners in Europe and South America Which Resulted in (9) Being Taken Out of Service for Impending 9/11-Style Attacks Back on August 16, 2018, Exactly 2,728-Days After CIA Staged Last Islamic Hijacking of a Commercial Airliner While En Route to Tripoli (i.e., Afriqiyah Airways Flight 209) Back on December 25, 2016, Exactly 3,361-Days After the CIA Staged the Ongoing So-Called ‘Houthi–Saudi Arabian Conflict’ (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending Attack) Back on April 2, 2015, Exactly 3,745-Days After CIA Staged Iranian National-Based Hijacking and Subsequent Disappearance of ‘Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370’ While En Route from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China (Which Likely Provided Logistics Cover for Impending 9/11-Style Attacks) Back on March 8, 2014, Exactly 8,312-Days After CIA Staged Al-Qaeda-Based Hijacking of (4) Commercial Airlines as Pretext for Aerial Kamikaze Suicide Bombing Attacks Targeting New York City and Washington, DC, Back on September 11, 2001, Exactly 3,559-Days After the CIA Staged the Ongoing So-Called Yemeni Civil War Back on September 16, 2014, & Exactly 7,217-Days After Abdul-Malik al-Houthi Became De Facto Leader of the So-Called ‘Houthi Movement’ Back on September 10, 2004

Posted: June 27, 2024 in Breaking News

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