OPERATION MAD MAN: CIA PLOTTING JULY 1, 2024, NORTH KOREAN NUCLEAR MISSILE AND/OR NUCLEAR ROCKET ATTACK(S) TARGETING MULTIPLE LOCATIONS IN NORTH KOREA AND/OR SOUTH KOREA SPECIFICALLY TO TRIGGER WORLD WAR III, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: A) DEMILITARIZED ZONE (NORTH KOREA-SOUTH KOREA BORDER); B) HAMUL NUCLEAR REACTOR (JEOLLANAM-DO, SOUTH KOREA); C) SEOUL, SOUTH KOREA; AND/OR D) SOUTH KOREAN NAVY (JUNE 27, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting North Korean Attack on South Korea on July 1, 2024, Exactly 764-Days After CIA Staged North Korean Bombing of North Korean-South Korean Liaison Office in Kaesong, North Korea Back on June 16, 2020, Exactly 4,257-Days After CIA Staged the So-Called Bombardment of Yeonpyeong Which Featured North Korean Rocket Attack Targeting South Korean Forces Stationed on Yeonpyeong Island in the Yellow Sea Back on November 23, 2010, Exactly 3,868-Days After Kim Jong-Un Became Dictator of North Korea Back on December 17, 2011, Exactly 7,326-Days After the 24-Hour ‘Second Battle of Yeonpyeong’ in the Yellow Sea Between the North Korean Navy & South Korean Navy Off the Island of Yeonpyeong Concluded Back on June 29, 2002, Exactly 8,426-Days After the Week-Long ‘First Battle of Yeonpyeong’ in the Yellow Sea Between the North Korean Navy & South Korean Navy Off the Island of Yeonpyeong Concluded Back on June 15, 1999, & Exactly 14,314-Days After Kim Jong-Un was Born Back on January 8, 1984, Exactly 25,195-Days After the Korean War Between North Korea & South Korea Concluded Back on July 27, 1953—Impending North Korean Attack on South Korea is Specifically Designed to Trigger War Between America & North Korea as Prelude to World War III With China who Will Predictably Come to North Korea’s Aid

Posted: June 27, 2024 in Breaking News

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