OPERATION MIGHTY WAVES: CIA PLOTTING JULY 1, 2024, MADE-FOR-TV IRANIAN ICBM MISSILE STRIKES, HYPERSONIC MISSILE STRIKES AND/OR NUCLEAR MISSILE STRIKES TARGETING THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA (POSSIBLY UNDER GUISE OF ACCIDENTAL AND/OR ERRONEOUS KHEIBAR MEDIUM-RANGE BALLISTIC MISSILE STRIKES) SPECIFICALLY TO: A) SPARK APOCALYPTIC NUCLEAR TSUNAMIS; B) TRIGGER WORLD WAR III; AND/OR C) ACTIVATE TOP-SECRET NERVE AGENT SPIT SLATED TO RELEASE CONTINUOUS CLOUD OF BLISTERING & DEADLY NERVE AGENT GAS (E.G., NOVICHOK, SARIN, VX, ETC.) OVER THE SKIES OF THE MIDDLE EAST COURTESY OF NERVE AGENT BLADDER LOCATED BENEATH THE DEAD SEA (I.E., LAKE OF SODOM) ON ISRAELI-JORAN BORDER (JUNE 27, 2024): CIA Headquarters Located Beneath CERN at Lake Geneva in Switzerland Plotting Made-for-TV Iranian ICBM Missile Strikes, Hypersonic Missiles Strikes and/or Nuclear Missile Attacks Targeting the Mediterranean Sea on July 1, 2024, Exactly 803-Days After CIA Staged ‘Accidental’ Launch of Indian Nuclear ICBM Missile (i.e., the BrahMos Missile Developed Jointly by India and Russia) Targeting Mian Channu, Pakistan (Which was Specifically Designed to Foreshadow and Set Precedent for Accidental Nuclear Explosion) Back on March 9, 2022, Exactly 1,021-Days After Ebrahim Raisi Became President of Iran Back on August 3, 2021, Exactly 1,747-Days After CIA Staged Iranian Nuclear Attack Response Drill Under Guise of Earthquake and Tsunami Exercise Entitled ‘Mighty Waves 2019’ (Which Featured ‘Thousands Dead, Over 100,000 Injured, Hospitals Destroyed & National Infrastructure in Shambles’) Off the Coast of Israel Back on August 4-8, 2019, Exactly 4,253-Days After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Held Up Cartoon-Like Drawing of an Iranian Nuclear Bomb with Fuse Just Below Label Reading ‘Final Stage’ During Speech at United Nations Headquarters in New York, New York Back on September 27, 2012, Exactly 12,769-Days After Ali Khamenei Sayyid Became the Supreme Leader of Iran Back on June 4, 1989, & Exactly 14,338-Days After the CIA Staged the So-Called ‘Iran–Israel Proxy War’ Back on February 16, 1985  

Posted: June 27, 2024 in Breaking News

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